official gondola thread

Author Topic: official gondola thread  (Read 16640 times)

isnt this guy the face of the creepbear

what is the history of him

creep bear > *finnish people* > ??? > spurdo > ??? > gondola

isnt this guy the face of the creepbear
what is the history of him
gondola is a mutation of spurdo sparde which is an ironic mockery of creepbear

"It was meant to be a new and less aggressive version of Spurdo who doesn’t speak Spurdish, or at all; a melancholic man that doesn’t talk, but only observes the world."

"Gondola was not a mistake

Gondolas are relaxed, harmless creatures that observe their environment. They rarely interfere anything, but just keep observing. They rarely talk, just look around and smile. This makes them very different from other creatures such as spurdo, that feel, pepe, yoba, etc.

Gondola is the silent walker. Having no hands he embodies the Taoist
principle of wu-wei (non-action) while his smiling facial expression
shows his utter and complete acceptance of the world as it is."

More dumb tumblr stuffposts from kimon

More dumb tumblr stuffposts from kimon

isn't it from 4chan

isn't it from 4chan

Probably, he found it on tumblr i'm sure. Doesn't mean ir's any different than any of mimons other stuff topics

Look guys another meme kimon's going to ruin for the rest of us