Author Topic: The Official Guide To Getting an Avatar  (Read 638 times)

This is a common question constantly asked among the forums.  Here is your answer:

For your info an avatar is the picture below you name on the forums.  Now to get one you first have to find a picture.  Go into paint or whatever you may use.  Get what you want and size it down to at least 75 x 75.  Save it and go on the forums.  Click on profile.  Then on the left side of your profile screen you should see Forum Profile Information.  Click on it.  Then you should see close to the top a small circle saying I will upload my own picture.  Then there is a blank bar and next to it a browse.  Click on the browse and find your picture.  You may also type in some text.  This won't appear when you post but if you look at your profile it will be there.  Once you get done with that scroll down and click change profile.  It should bring you back up to the top with your picture there.  If it isn't check the size and format.  Then you sholud be done!  Enjoy your avatars!

i already know how to do all that, but what i don't know how to is, make a moving picture your avatar. i need help with that.

Moving pictures are usually gifs, so you need to find a program that can make an animated gif (photoshop I think?) and then make sure it is under the filesize limitation, and smaller than or equal to 75x75.