Author Topic: L2D of blockland ID= what you do at 3 AM  (Read 6914 times)

Smashing Balloons. Atleast this makes a lick of sense.

Burning a Picture of Gabe Newell

smashing serena from pokemon

could be worse

assuming smash means what i think it does
« Last Edit: April 19, 2017, 09:13:54 PM by TeeOS »

Smashing a picture of gaben newell

I'm sorry my lord

using a 3d printed model of my blockhead to get high

Eating... grass.

Is it a metaphor for something?

Using Serena from Pokemon to get high. What in the forget am I smoking  p u s s y

buying plants from the black market


Riding Serena from pokemon oh my

Fighting Grass
Using children to get high
Smashing Serena from Pokemon
Worshipping your PC
Sleeping with a wrench

accurate as hell

eating a wrench

sounds like a tom and jerry situation

eating a wrench

sounds like a tom and jerry situation
sounds quite gutwrenching