Author Topic: console hacked badspot (5102) - Glass PM spamming  (Read 6453 times)

soon as I load up blockland he does this.

trying to sell warez?
trying to make the worst trade deal in history.

Discount codes. Apparently he's going to random servers and doing this, too. Got banned from jack Noir's server for doing it.


couldn't find anything else via IP lookup or on greek2me's BLID tool.

This idiot sent me similar spam messages before i blocked him



couldn't find anything else via IP lookup or on greek2me's BLID tool.
I was just about to post the same thread, but I have more pictures:
He's been joining random servers and he spammed me too. Apparently his name previously was 'Jericho'. Anyone know of him?
Also he's gone through alot of name changes, yeah..

anyone with tyler1 merch is beta af

apparently he was banned on BLG by Crown, he just came online

i'm assuming he's gonna spam servers with stuff because of his anger

console hacked badspot hacked blockland glass

clarifying on my last reply - he's been banned for a month

wtf just ban him forever

i'm pretty sure that's a meme, not some sort of virus/scam spam. it is still spam though, definitely worth the ban.