Author Topic: [Map] Kitchen  (Read 30923 times)

That was when maps weren't around that's when v20 came out
i'm not sure what ur trying to say with this
it still works if that's what ur wondering

That was when maps weren't around that's when v20 came out
uh no v20 was long gone when staticmaps came out

That was when maps weren't around that's when v20 came out

I took some screenshots on how the lighting in the Fridge SHOULD be

Note: That's the unedited picture, it's large cause I'm too forgeted to shorten it.

The lighting can't be like that because the old Kitchen was a DIF interior file, which allowed the use of baked in lighting, the map was re-made using static DTS shapes, which are not capable of such a thing

That's why there's no lighting any where else either, like in the stove area

I took some screenshots on how the lighting in the Fridge SHOULD be

Note: That's the unedited picture, it's large cause I'm too forgeted to shorten it.

Use this.
Code: [Select]
[img width=300][/img]

How did you make this?

How did you make this?

It's a long and complicated process that takes many hours, but heres a rundown:

1. First you download Blender and T3D v1.1 (Must be this version)
Blender because I believe it has the best capabilities for making collisions in maps, but you can try using another modelling program of your choice

   Torque 3D v1.1 (For converting interiors to DAE)

   Blender (For Modelling obviously)

   DTS Exporter ( Blender Plugin / Credits: Port)

2. Convert Interior of your choice to DAE using T3D v1.1 (Heres a guide to potentially fix your DAE file if it won't import into Blender)

3. Model collisions in Blender. this is where most maps come to die because it's quite ridiculous
I condense the collisions into only a few DTS files, Tendon uses many DTS files with little collisions because it works better with vehicles or something like that
Collisions are named Col-X where X is an incremential number (Eg. Col-1, Col-2 ect..)

4. Export to DTS using Port's DTS Exporter (Or your prefered method)

5. Define all the DTS as datablocks

6. Make a script to load it as a StaticShape or TSStatic (I find StaticShape better because it works with shaders)

7. Hope that you didn't miss any collisions, then congratulations you made a map.

99% of your time will be spent on step 3.

I'm working on a video tutorial that makes all these points, but in more detail.
ps. I'm working on an update for static maps that loads map using the custom gamemode interface instead of the environment ui to save datablock usage