Author Topic: [Map] Kitchen  (Read 33561 times)

It's a long and complicated process that takes many hours, but heres a rundown:

1. First you download Blender and T3D v1.1 (Must be this version)
Blender because I believe it has the best capabilities for making collisions in maps, but you can try using another modelling program of your choice

   Torque 3D v1.1 (For converting interiors to DAE)

   Blender (For Modelling obviously)

   DTS Exporter ( Blender Plugin / Credits: Port)

2. Convert Interior of your choice to DAE using T3D v1.1 (Heres a guide to potentially fix your DAE file if it won't import into Blender)

3. Model collisions in Blender. this is where most maps come to die because it's quite ridiculous
I condense the collisions into only a few DTS files, Tendon uses many DTS files with little collisions because it works better with vehicles or something like that
Collisions are named Col-X where X is an incremential number (Eg. Col-1, Col-2 ect..)

4. Export to DTS using Port's DTS Exporter (Or your prefered method)

5. Define all the DTS as datablocks

6. Make a script to load it as a StaticShape or TSStatic (I find StaticShape better because it works with shaders)

7. Hope that you didn't miss any collisions, then congratulations you made a map.

99% of your time will be spent on step 3.

I'm working on a video tutorial that makes all these points, but in more detail.
ps. I'm working on an update for static maps that loads map using the custom gamemode interface instead of the environment ui to save datablock usage

That's kinda helpful.

My dumbass self tried to Import old maps into the game

It's a long and complicated process that takes many hours, but heres a rundown:

1. First you download Blender and T3D v1.1 (Must be this version)
Blender because I believe it has the best capabilities for making collisions in maps, but you can try using another modelling program of your choice

   Torque 3D v1.1 (For converting interiors to DAE)

   Blender (For Modelling obviously)

   DTS Exporter ( Blender Plugin / Credits: Port)

2. Convert Interior of your choice to DAE using T3D v1.1 (Heres a guide to potentially fix your DAE file if it won't import into Blender)

3. Model collisions in Blender. this is where most maps come to die because it's quite ridiculous
I condense the collisions into only a few DTS files, Tendon uses many DTS files with little collisions because it works better with vehicles or something like that
Collisions are named Col-X where X is an incremential number (Eg. Col-1, Col-2 ect..)

4. Export to DTS using Port's DTS Exporter (Or your prefered method)

5. Define all the DTS as datablocks

6. Make a script to load it as a StaticShape or TSStatic (I find StaticShape better because it works with shaders)

7. Hope that you didn't miss any collisions, then congratulations you made a map.

99% of your time will be spent on step 3.

I'm working on a video tutorial that makes all these points, but in more detail.
ps. I'm working on an update for static maps that loads map using the custom gamemode interface instead of the environment ui to save datablock usage

Thank you for your response! I was hoping to get into to the porting maps into v21 scene.

You may need to run the .dae through MAYA as well, to get textures to work correctly.  For this project, it was necessary.
also whatever you're using to import and convert map interiorobjects into blender files, please post that.
It basically goes torque game editor v1 to dae to Maya to fbx to blender.  I'll post more details after dinner.

EcstaticEggplant gave me the info on getting it to dae.
You'll need 2 pieces of software, and an interior w/it's related files.

Torque3D v1:
Maya LT:

Unzip Torque3D
Exec Torque3D.exe
Click New Project
Click Template > Empty
Click Create
Minimize Torque3D
Move [interiorname].dif and it's resources to Torque3D-1\My Projects\New Project\game\art\shapes\
Maximize Torque3D
Click "Play Game"
Click "Play"
Click "Go"
Hit F11 on the keyboard
On the right side of the screen, click "Library", then click "Meshes", then double-click "art", then double-click "shapes", then double-click [interiorname]
You should see it pop up in the game, you may have to hold right-click and look at the ground before double-clicking [interiorname].

On the top left, click "File", then "Export Interiors To COLLADA".
Click your interior, deselect "Export interiors with transforms baked in", and click Export.
Close Torque3D.

Install Maya LT (It's a 30-day trial)
Open Maya LT
Click File > Import
On the bottom of the menu, change "Files of type:" to "DAE_FBX"
Navigate to [filepath]\Torque3D-1\My Projects\New Project\game\art\shapes\
Click [interiorname].dae
Your interior should appear.
You can rotate, pan, and zoom with Alt+LeftClick, Alt+MiddleClick, and Alt+RightClick.
You can also use the scroll wheel to zoom.
Click File > Export All
Navigate to [filepath]\Torque3D-1\My Projects\New Project\game\art\shapes\
Change "Files of type:" to FBX export
On the options pane to the right, go to File Type Specific Options > Advanced Options > FBX File Format and change "Version:" to "FBX 2014/2015"
Change "File name:" to "[filename].fbx"
Click "Export All"
Close Maya LT

Open Blender and import [filename].fbx from [filepath]\Torque3D-1\My Projects\New Project\game\art\shapes\

Alternatively, in Maya, while exporting, you can also select File Type Specific Options > Include > Embed Media > Embed Media
If you do that, you can put the fbx file wherever you want.
But I think it'd better to keep the fbx file with it's resources.  You'll need them if you plan on turning it into a .dts.

Oog.  Some important notes to add to this...
It's a long and complicated process that takes many hours, but heres a rundown:

1. First you download Blender and T3D v1.1 (Must be this version)//I used v1.0
Blender because I believe it has the best capabilities for making collisions in maps, but you can try using another modelling program of your choice

   Torque 3D v1.1 (For converting interiors to DAE)

   Blender (For Modelling obviously)

   DTS Exporter ( Blender Plugin / Credits: Port)

2. Convert Interior of your choice to DAE using T3D v1.1 (Heres a guide to potentially fix your DAE file if it won't import into Blender)//This fix broke textures when I did it.

3. Model collisions in Blender. this is where most maps come to die because it's quite ridiculous
I condense the collisions into only a few DTS files, Tendon uses many DTS files with little collisions because it works better with vehicles or something like that
Collisions are named Col-X where X is an incremential number (Eg. Col-1, Col-2 ect..)//Combining multiple convex shapes into 1 .dts file will break collision for vehicles, but works fine for players and projectiles. See LegoPepper's terrain project 

4. Export to DTS using Port's DTS Exporter (Or your prefered method)//For best results w/collision, scale collision shapes up by 2 when exporting, and back down(by 0.5) when using the shapes in Blockland.  I do collision shapes and visible shapes seperately, as visible shapes smaller than a scale of 1 will disappear before leaving the screen.

5. Define all the DTS as datablocks

6. Make a script to load it as a StaticShape or TSStatic (I find StaticShape better because it works with shaders)//Use StaticShapes for the visible portions, and TSStatic for collision.  TSStatic plays nicely with the camera while you're in a vehicle.  StaticShapes will allow the camera to clip into your objects.

7. Hope that you didn't miss any collisions, then congratulations you made a map.//If you export the collision shapes w/out a visible layer, Blockland will fill one in for you.  This "feature" can be used to see what collision shapes you have done successfully.  If you want the collision shapes to be invisible, you can create a single point, and put it on the detail32 layer when exporting.  This will force blockland to uh... not fill in the detail layer on it's own.

99% of your time will be spent on step 3.//Absolutely.  It's awful, and I don't suggest doing a map conversion unless you're a little bit crazy.

I'm working on a video tutorial that makes all these points, but in more detail.//Good luck.  Though... please test your methods out before releasing a tutorial.
ps. I'm working on an update for static maps that loads map using the custom gamemode interface instead of the environment ui to save datablock usage

I don't intend to use so many datablocks if I create a map like this again.  The increased load time is not worth it when joining a new server.

It's a long and complicated process that takes many hours, but heres a rundown:

1. First you download Blender and T3D v1.1 (Must be this version)
Blender because I believe it has the best capabilities for making collisions in maps, but you can try using another modelling program of your choice

   Torque 3D v1.1 (For converting interiors to DAE)

   Blender (For Modelling obviously)

   DTS Exporter ( Blender Plugin / Credits: Port)

2. Convert Interior of your choice to DAE using T3D v1.1 (Heres a guide to potentially fix your DAE file if it won't import into Blender)

3. Model collisions in Blender. this is where most maps come to die because it's quite ridiculous
I condense the collisions into only a few DTS files, Tendon uses many DTS files with little collisions because it works better with vehicles or something like that
Collisions are named Col-X where X is an incremential number (Eg. Col-1, Col-2 ect..)

4. Export to DTS using Port's DTS Exporter (Or your prefered method)

5. Define all the DTS as datablocks

6. Make a script to load it as a StaticShape or TSStatic (I find StaticShape better because it works with shaders)

7. Hope that you didn't miss any collisions, then congratulations you made a map.

99% of your time will be spent on step 3.

I'm working on a video tutorial that makes all these points, but in more detail.
ps. I'm working on an update for static maps that loads map using the custom gamemode interface instead of the environment ui to save datablock usage

Wait, so if I use something like Sketchup to create the map, export that to a .DAE,

then import the DAE into Torque as an interior then export that into blender and create the collisions.

Would that work?

Wait, so if I use something like Sketchup to create the map, export that to a .DAE,

then import the DAE into Torque as an interior then export that into blender and create the collisions.

Would that work?

Possibly. I'm no torque, blender or DAE expert though.

You may need to run the .dae through MAYA as well, to get textures to work correctly.  For this project, it was necessary.

I haven't had a problem like that, as long as I could see the textures in the editor, they exported correctly. The DAE usually wouldn't load in blender so you have to do some text editing on the DAE file to make it load (Because it didn't like the library_effects).
Maybe it has to do with the T3D version?

//This fix broke textures when I did it.

It'll break textures in blender (Which you can fix if you re-apply it correctly in Blender) but even then, as long as the materials are applied correctly to the mesh, it will show up correctly ingame.
As long as you have these

It should be fine.

Wait, so if I use something like Sketchup to create the map, export that to a .DAE,

then import the DAE into Torque as an interior then export that into blender and create the collisions.

Would that work?
Thats a really bad way to do it. Just export it from Sketchup and load that into Blender. You only use Torque3D if you want to convert an interior file into a more well known format (DAE)

Just follow this:
Make map in Sketchup > Export as DAE > Import in Blender

biff bump, this needs to be known

If some angel would make program that applies collision to all surfaces automatically, I think it would start a renaissance

secondary bump, i'm sorry but this is too good

How do I get this to work?
Just enable it in the addons menu in the Custom gamemode.

If some angel would make program that applies collision to all surfaces automatically, I think it would start a renaissance