
whers the impact magnum going to be in? (old testers should know)

magnum skins
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explosives 2
1 (2.2%)
die in a fire
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explosives 1 (again)
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mr noobler's balls
22 (48.9%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Tier+Tactical 2.1 [WARNING: NO BALANCE - USE AT RISK]  (Read 7625 times)

it appears that Mr Noobler has messaged me and requested me to take this down, since its his... i will comply and remove the link

change log stays for no reason, topic is locked due to severe disinterest and disappointment

at least i have done something to get those two to make a weapon pack lol

what this features:
+ weapons from the old T+T that some missed

+ functional bullet hose (no reload no ammo) and T+T1 (bullet hose didnt work on some weapons and T+T1 didnt even work at all)

+ RTB is no longer required to jumpstart the ammo system

+ most weapons have akimbo variants

+ easter eggs now work without odd problems

+ grenades now have an infinite ammo reserve option, allowing for ghetto carpet bombing from a flying jeep

+ light machineguns dont slow you down anymore

+ the melee extended packs have some of their old melee weapons back (example: fire axe)

+ gun reloading now makes sense (somewhat lol)

+ the filesize of all or most of the weapon packs have been reduced, the original T+T 2.1 totaled up to at least 12.1MB

+ all pistols now have a new sound (very subjective because i believe this is far better than T+T 2.1's pistol fire sound)

+ all magnums now fire faster, theyre pistols for christ's sake (using bigger calibers of course)

+ toggleable recoil, requires RTB or blockland grass (the camera screenshake if you ask)

+ all shotguns now have their old pushback whenever they fire (causing you to be pushed back when its fired)

- balance is no longer in existence, because Mr Noobler doesnt believe in balance

+ shotguns and magnums now have emitters shown once they are fired (the original didnt because bushido used a projectile to spawn the gun flash instead, didnt work well lol)

+ all sport rifles have 'new' sounds, should sound pleasing to the ears when you get to kill something with any sport rifle

+ shotgun concussion blasts now actually do damage instead of the puny 20

+ few weapons have unused animations, now theyre used!

+ unused models have been coded to life, for example the PDW if you people didnt know that much

+ the combat shotgun now doesnt have the gay ass 'altfire', it instead has a semi-automatic mode (like the SPAS-12)

+ the ammo display no longer disappears after 5 seconds once a weapon is equipped and not fired, it will forever be displayed

+ the RPG and the grenade launcher now have their old flash emitters (waay better mang)

- because of the akimbo variants being executed, the datablock count is still high as usual

+ the ammo reserves have been raised, so dont worry about running out if you like limited ammo reserves

+ the riot shield now no longer breaks after 20 hits, it is invincible and deflects magnum bullets or anything that is projectile-based (the only thing that can hit through the riot shield is a riot shield, lol)

+ a gun called H-Covert Pistol has been added to the pistol skins, looks like bushido's secret HANDS on a gun project?

+ the console no longer complains about errors, like it being clean??

anyways heres the link:
« Last Edit: April 29, 2017, 08:22:37 AM by Mac Workin »

this is great but you changed a lot of things that shouldn't be changed

this is great but you changed a lot of things that shouldn't be changed

? Everything's been improved code and function wise.
Great work.

? Everything's been improved code and function wise.
Great work.
magnums firing faster
replacing sounds and loving with alt fire and weapon balancing
magnums firing faster
shotguns having the old massive push back
lmg not slowing you down
replacement of shape/projectile based fx

there was no need for a lot of these changes, if you (mr noobler) had fixed the various bugs and made no-ammo mode actually no ammo that would have been far more preferable than these attempts at including balance updates

magnums were annoying and powerful enough and now you made them downright op. magnums irl do not fire anywhere as fast as semi auto pistols since you literally have to rooster the gun before each shot. the only reason i can think of making magnums be able to shoot faster is so players have more fun using an straight-up op gun, but that is at the expense of everyone else on the server and prevents hosts from using it as a pistol alternative if they care about real class balance
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 04:36:40 PM by Conan »

the whole point of magnums in t+t is to be a pocket sniper, not a pistol

- balance is no longer in existence, because Mr Noobler doesnt believe in balance
well that's a turn off
which is a shame cus some of the stuff like the added weapons and improvements not related to balance seem pretty nice

Thanks but no thanks, a lot of these changes absolutely ruin the balance of the pack. I'm gonna stick to the original builds.

Also did you get Bushido's permission before you messed with his addon packs and re-released them like this?

why did you remove the balance on purpose

that entire changelog is painful to read

april fools was 25 days ago

Everything's been improved code and function wise.
Great work.
This and thank god you changed the pistol fire sound, the old one was extremely headache inducing

Wasn't the whole idea of the pack originally to be actually balanced?

Good job getting rid of that then.

this is great but you changed a lot of things that shouldn't be changed
agreed, the point of the pack was all about balance... but the point of this pack here wasnt exactly made to focus on balance to be honest
what's a bullet hose
basically no ammo reserves, no reloading too
the whole point of magnums in t+t is to be a pocket sniper, not a pistol
well i kinda find that a little stupid because i see a few running around with actual sniper rifles pulling headshots (the magnum also had very little range so it wasnt considered a sniper rifle at anyone's perspective)
well that's a turn off
which is a shame cus some of the stuff like the added weapons and improvements not related to balance seem pretty nice
apologies if i disappointed you, balance is not the idea or the focus of this pack
Thanks but no thanks, a lot of these changes absolutely ruin the balance of the pack. I'm gonna stick to the original builds.

Also did you get Bushido's permission before you messed with his addon packs and re-released them like this?
if i can recall properly, he said that he didnt really care about the pack in 2015 (i took that as a yes)
why did you remove the balance on purpose
heres the the reason: the entire pack was made to be a weapon pack for endless zombies, there is a lack of weapon variety when it comes to that gamemode (and often not much improvements for each weapon type)

but i have no idea what is balance in reality... that is the 2nd reason why i 'removed' it
that entire changelog is painful to read
sorry, ill try adding some clarity into that so itll appear less painful
This and thank god you changed the pistol fire sound, the old one was extremely headache inducing
o i thought the old one was decent lol
Wasn't the whole idea of the pack originally to be actually balanced?

Good job getting rid of that then.
yes youre right it is, but the idea/point of it was changed... but if you could give me an idea or how bushidos balance worked

i might have a go at it and add a option for that, but please dont tell me balance is all about ruining the weapons performance

magnums firing faster
replacing sounds and loving with alt fire and weapon balancing
shotguns having the old massive push back
lmg not slowing you down
replacement of shape/projectile based fx

there was no need for a lot of these changes, if you (mr noobler) had fixed the various bugs and made no-ammo mode actually no ammo that would have been far more preferable than these attempts at including balance updates

magnums were annoying and powerful enough and now you made them downright op. magnums irl do not fire anywhere as fast as semi auto pistols since you literally have to rooster the gun before each shot. the only reason i can think of making magnums be able to shoot faster is so players have more fun using an straight-up op gun, but that is at the expense of everyone else on the server and prevents hosts from using it as a pistol alternative if they care about real class balance
well 'magnums' do fire as fast as semi-automatic pistols because THEY are semi-automatic pistols made to fire a bigger cartridge, thats why we call them magnums to differentiate them against normal semi-automatic pistols using smaller cartridges (only for pistol-like magnums, not revolvers)

you also dont have to rooster the gun before each shot, thats a single-action revolver youre talking about... in my head i believe these revolvers are double-action

that removes the need to rooster the gun before each shot, the shotguns also dont exactly have the massive pushback

before then that was -7 torque units pressured onto the player, this is -4 torque units pressured onto the player
i knew and i know its a problem when you fired the shotgun that way

i understand what you are getting at, but i dont get the idea of how magnums were op in the first place
dealing 40 damage with bodyshots and 80 damage with headshots... with a wait time of 0.4 seconds

that leaves some room for somebody to pull out a battle rifle or a submachine gun to decimate the magnum user

the lmg slowing the player down was a massive problem in my opinion, because when it switched the playertype to a slower playertype the hp on the slowdown playertype would be 100hp instead of the hp found on the original playertype the player has equipped

i also forgeted with altfire because it was a weird idea, people could exploit that stuff and ruin the combat shotguns balance (by QQing the gun and right clicking would make sure you didnt get the cooldown state)

? Everything's been improved code and function wise.
Great work.
tanks but you shouldve done the release insted :[
« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 06:51:46 AM by Mac Workin »

+ grenades now have an infinite ammo reserve option, allowing for ghetto carpet bombing from a flying jeep
best change right here