Author Topic: Monopoly  (Read 2402 times)

*queue music*
This is a fully functional Monopoly gamemode allowing up to 6 players (although I recommend going with 3-4 players - we've never tried 6!).
It makes use of VCE and Zone Events - you don't need to install any Monopoly scripts.
There are certain limitations such as the 99 line limit, but regardless the project turned out quite well.
Please report any issues to me if there are any - I know I probably haven't ironed out every possible bug but please be patient and understanding - these things take time.

Inherent Differences
1. A property's rent increases every time somebody lands on it - no limits
2. There are currently 8 chance cards - if you have any chance card ideas let me know
3. You can sell your properties for half price, but the bank won't force you to do this if you become bankrupt
4. You will be told how much money you have when you pass GO, Free Parking or Just Visiting, but typing $ will display your money in chat
5. Rolling doubles three times does not land you in jail and does not grant you an extra turn. It is used only for getting out of jail
6. Participate in the 15 second auctions by placing a bid in chat (Those on Chance/Tax can not participate). Must be higher than both the opening bid and all further bids

Important Notes
1. The flashing brick on top of every property tells you the property name and owner (if there is one).
2. The coloured 1x1 on top of the flashing brick allows the owner to sell the property if they wish.
3. The white 1x1 on top of the flashing brick displays the property's rent level.
4. To end your turn, click the brick you're standing on - even if you're playing by yourself
5. If you stop moving prematurely, just jump to kickstart the game
6. There is an issue where players land on each other's heads.
I developed an event which detects this and corrects your position.
All you have to do is look towards the middle of the board and wait for three seconds.

1. Drydess (copying laborious bug fixes to every brick)
2. Caden100 (copying laborious bug fixes to every brick)
3. Skill4Life (extensive bug finding and testing)
4. Freeday (bug finding and general testing)
5. Soule (bug finding)
6. Hay.Wire (testing)

Required Add-Ons
1. Search for Event_setPlayerTransform, download it
2. Search for Brick_Zones, download it
3. Search for Event_AddRelativeVelocity, download it
4. Search for Event_Zones, download it
5. Event_PlayerSpeed
6. Slayer (disable Self Delete, make everybody No-Jet and make a WHITE team so the spawns work)
7. VCE / Variable Replacers
8. My Colorset (Colors might mess up with Trueno's)

To download ALL of the above in a single zip file, click here

Here's the .bls file!  [Experimental Version] (30/04/2017)
  • Fixed issue with no bids being placed on auction
  • Potentially fixed issue with improperly sending players to jail
  • Players who do not pay their rent will now be sent to jail and their money will be confiscated by the bank

« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 07:17:40 AM by Big Brøther »

tfw its all avenues and no boulevards

needs a table flip option for when somebody buys kings cross before me

this game is forgetin sick and everyone should play it

I was never a monopoly fan but I have to admit, this is pretty awesome.

This is dope, and this is his leet post, illuminati confirmt

Good to see your still around!
I always loved monopoly so this is pretty cool

anyone hosting this? I'll join