Motion Detector

Author Topic: Motion Detector  (Read 2425 times)

an item along the likes of Alien Isolation where it clicks / beeps when something nearby moves
similiar to the glitch detector in the rendermen mod but for players and motion instead

YES. I need this greatly for a gamemode I have been trying to do. I've had to instruct players on the hunting/seeking teams to fire homing rockets and follow the direction the homing rockets point in. Its a very "held together by chewing gum" kind of idea but it works.

16 player server:


Are you looking for some sort of zone brick, or some sort of item you can place down?

Are you looking for some sort of zone brick, or some sort of item you can place down?
through some searching you'll find it's actually none of those

through some searching you'll find it's actually none of those

My bad. Didn't click the links like a moron.

ill make one today
dont be me and make empty promises nooooo

dont be me and make empty promises nooooo
sorry i got very tired and went to sleep

ill make one between today and 1 year

dont be me and make empty promises nooooo
just like that splatoon weapon pack that i hope no one remembers

an item along the likes of Alien Isolation where it clicks / beeps when something nearby moves

when it is moving OR it is closer?

when it is moving OR it is closer?
if something is moving around the motion detector, it beeps.

when it is moving OR it is closer?
similiar to the glitch detector in the rendermen mod but for players and motion instead
In the rendermen mod, when he spawns in, the detector goes off on a "low" setting, and when he gets closer it beeps faster, so it's both.