Author Topic: Supposed server crashing idiocy  (Read 2540 times)

Something I did not understand that I thought I might share with you.

Earlier today I helped Adio with something in which he gave me admin as a reward. I came back to his server later and asked if i could be admin again, and was adminned. We did normal stuff, then Adio changed the map. My loading bar was stuck on Waiting for Server as it commonly does, so I rejoined. After joining, I asked for admin again. Shortly after having it revoked with comments of "Adam crashed the server". Apparently I created another body for me. Upon spawning, I see this other body of mine. Now I had a few questions.

1. How would making another body crash a server? I do it all the time on my server.
2. If this additional body crashed the server, why is the server still up, containing said body?

After asking these questions a few times, I am kicked, probably banned.

The same thing happens to me sometimes however ive never crashed a server that way.

My server crashed when I hit esc and clicked quit D:

I didnt crash but i got duplicated... and if DM is on, If you kil the duplicate, you also die too.

I didnt crash but i got duplicated... and if DM is on, If you kil the duplicate, you also die too.

wrong, if someone kills your copy he dies but not you, you just being copied again, again and again.

Try this, shoot your copy from a height you will die from falling at. That way, you copy dies, then the new copy falls to it's death.

Adam crashed the server :D

My server crashed when I hit esc and clicked quit D:
oh dud tat sux

My server crashed when I hit esc and clicked quit D:
This kinda stuff wouldn't happen if that menu was colour coded!

My server crashed when I hit esc and clicked quit D:
This kinda stuff wouldn't happen if that menu was colour coded!
It is :O

My server crashed when I hit esc and clicked quit D:
This kinda stuff wouldn't happen if that menu was colour coded!
It is :O
It is?! :O