
Who do you pray to? PM me if your's isn't on here! Only serious requests will be taken. I don't care how much you love anime, waifu-chan isn't a deity.

Jesus Christ
Lucifer (And his many names)
Hindu gods catchall
Shinto gods catchall
Norse gods catchall
I don't pray

Author Topic: That Religion Thread: Is it okay to absorb bits of other religions into yours?  (Read 9604 times)

I heard some kids in the library arguing over the role of prayer and the concept of God in modern society, and I got to thinking about how, in this day and age, it's impossible to calmly and rationally discuss what your beliefs. I'd like to prove it isn't totally impossible.

Rabbotical Rules of Religious Review
Be polite. We aren't crusaders or jihadi maniacs, we're rational humans with a decent concept of grammar and civility. People are going to pray different. Get used to it.
Explain your point. See above. You're going to be discussing your ideas with people that disagree. Explain your point thoroughly.
Do not shun. I don't care what you pray to, but there's zero reason to be a cunt over what others believe. See rule one.
Be cautious when handling holy wars. They're a hot button topic, and I don't want a fistfight over the Crusades.

Happy discussion. The topics will be posted below.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 07:10:34 AM by Rabbot32 »

First item of discussion:
Should we bother? Does praying actually make you more moral

Second item of discussion:
Should we judge the people of a religion by the atrocities others committed in the name of that religion

Third item of discussion:
When is it okay to ban specific religions

Fourth item of discussion:
What afterlife are you aiming for?[/s]

Fifth item of discussion:
Is it alright to update religion?

Sixth item of discussion:
Is it alright to absorb bits of other religions into your own?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 07:09:53 AM by Rabbot32 »

Do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't harm others.

Last time I checked praying on it's own isn't harmful

I personally agree, praying isn't actively harmful. Go for it.

religious reasons aside i think if anything it's a bit bonding when u pray with a group such as ur family so even if u don't think it's necessary morally or spiritually or whatever it's probably just a good thing to do every once in a while like before u eat together or something

as for doing it alone it also might be a good idea to pray every now and again too like when ur having a rough night, it might make u feel a bit better to get whatever's bothering u off ur chest

i don't do it very often but usually it doesn't hurt to just take a moment and do it

pray if your religion says you should

that's pretty much the gist of it i think

This is now a crusader thread.

I'll preface this by saying that I'm not religious. I don't much care for it, and I've never been partial to blind faith. That said, pray all you want. So long as it doesn't hurt anyone and it makes you happy, you should do it.

please stop praying, it clouds my thoughts

I personally agree, praying isn't actively harmful. Go for it.
In most situations, yes.

But the problem occurs when people use prayer alone as a substitute for an actual solution.
Like the select few number of parents who insist "oh no we're not going to bring our sick kid to the doctor, we're just going to pray for him instead" and then surprise, surprise, their kid dies from a disease that would have very quickly and easily been treated, had they chosen to provide him with scientifically proven medical treatment.

And note I'm not talking about people in poor undeveloped areas who can't afford or don't have access to healthcare. I'm talking about people fully capable, but deciding not too.

That stuff is actively harmful. And while the amount of parents who actually do that is small, it's unfortunately not zero.

But it most cases, yeah, there's nothing wrong with it.

Now, regarding the question of "does prayer affect your morality?" my answer is that it depends on the content of your message, not how you deliver it. For example, when I interviewed for my first job, a lot of family texted me "good luck!" or something similar. My grandma instead said "I'll pray for you". Her message of good will was still the same, she just chose a different "method of delivery"
Or, if you desire harm to fall to someone, that is immoral. How you deliver that desire (telling them to their face vs privately praying for harm to come to them) does not change your morality

This topic is going surpisingly well so far, I expected a stuffstorm.

Anyway for people who are not sure about the reason behind it, praying  in a religion is the way to ask God for blessings and forgiveness, if you feel guilty for something you've done, you want the next day to start out in the right path or you're worried about someone you know for example an uncle who is sick, religious people prays for those subjects and more to bless that person's life, but it shall never be used as a replacement for let's say medical help.

I'm christian myself and I pray sometimes, but it's totally fine if someone doesn't believe in such thing, once they respect me for my beliefs I'll respect them back whatever they believe in, it should be this way but sadly a lot of people make such a conflict about this.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 12:35:20 PM by Filipe »

of course the furry is an atheist -__-