
Who do you pray to? PM me if your's isn't on here! Only serious requests will be taken. I don't care how much you love anime, waifu-chan isn't a deity.

Jesus Christ
Lucifer (And his many names)
Hindu gods catchall
Shinto gods catchall
Norse gods catchall
I don't pray

Author Topic: That Religion Thread: Is it okay to absorb bits of other religions into yours?  (Read 10130 times)

every religion should be banned except mine!!!!!!

ban discussion about banning religion?

Extremely dangerous cults should be banned without a second thought. However, a group peacefully practicing without violating any unjust or inane laws- actual injustice, like discriminatory laws, and yes there are still some on the book depending on your location, actual inanity, like unmarried women not being allowed to skydive- has done nothing inherently wrong. I can't comprehend the urge to force an entire group of people into a different religion or arrest them because they pray a bit funny.

every religion should be banned except mine!!!!!!
We should ban all religions, and also, ban people who dye their hair like a generic anime character.

We should ban all religions, and also, ban people who dye their hair like a generic anime character.
haha nice ironic meme bro.

your posts are unfunny
No no, im actually, legitimately serious, ive yet to meet one person who has dyed their hair a loving fruity colour, and not been a pretentious starfish, ban these forgeters.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 01:17:43 AM by Master Matthew² »

man, i don't know what's worse: you're saying you either legitimately think that people with dyed hair should be illegalized or you think that you're being clever or funny at all right now

Digression is okay, but please keep it limited some. This is a religion thread.

ban people who dye their hair like a generic anime character.
No no, im actually, legitimately serious, ive yet to meet one person who has dyed their hair a loving fruity colour, and not been a pretentious starfish, ban these forgeters.
why are you like this
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 01:56:55 AM by Daswiruch »

We should ban all religions

Ban the cross and replace it with a fedora

The discussion seems to be in two places: How do you ban a religion, and should you.

The only way to effectively ban a religion is to outlaw all practice of the religion, including holy buildings, festivals, public speaking, publication of religious material and congregation of its members.
If successfully enforced this would effectively outlaw the religion and have it removed from the public.

Does this do what you want though? Does it destroy the religion or stop its growth?
No, it doesn't.
Numerous religions have been banned throughout history yet still continue to exist in secret and grow.
Christianity was banned not long after its formation and its members continued to practice in secret in caves, and to recruit members. Once the power that banned it lost the control to continue doing so it exploded into the public way of life and never stopped.

Even religious sects failed to be stifled, as with the rise and fall of Protestantism and Catholicism during the European reformations.
And in the modern day banned religious beliefs, such as those of extremists, thrive through the internet and social media and continue to try to recruit and grow, working on an international stage without care for borders.

You can't stop belief and you can't even stop practice or recruitment. All you can do is hide it from the public and leave it unchecked.

As for should we ban religions, I don't believe we should.

Of course there are religious based groups who cause violence and unrest, as well as organisations designed to manipulate followers for the benefit of individual leaders.
And these should be banned and fought.

But banning an entire religion, particularly a world religion is an awful idea. Not only can it infringe on civil rights in a country, but it antagonises an incredible number of people against your country.
It pushes once honest members of that religion who practiced peacefully to join and form extremist groups who now use violence to restore their religion.

And even if repurcussions are small to begin with we already know that banning a religion doesn't destroy it, and it will grow underneath you. It's a fruitless endeavour.

And even if repurcussions are small to begin with we already know that banning a religion doesn't destroy it

Tell that to the Nahuatl and the Zoroastrians

Tell that to the Nahuatl and the Zoroastrians
There's an estimated 2.6 million zoroastrians today. Sure, that's not on the scale of Islam or Christianity, but it's not destroyed.

Generally speaking the only way to destroy a religion is to utterly destroy the society or people who practice it.
This is more feasible with a religion confined to one geographic location or a isolated society.
Which is why the Aztec Religion doesn't really exist because the people and society were destroyed by European disease and the following Spanish conquest. It was then largely replaced by catholicism.

A world religion however, one that is shared (in various forms) across great distances and numerous societies is unlikely to be destroyed.
Consider wanting to destroy Christianity. I could invade the US, destroy the government, kill 99% of all Christians, destroy its churches and ban all further practice.
But there are still millions of christians in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, Asia and the rest of the world. And there's nothing to stop them from practicing or even spreading it back in the US.

Most sizable religions today are too large and to widespread to be destroyed.