Author Topic: My friend having problems with addons.  (Read 783 times)

If my friend is going to download a addon and add it to his addons folder.
He kept saying that his addons wont load/popup/work.
So i was trying to help him: Verify integrity of game files, reinstall blockland. It still didnt work.
Can someone help my friend?
Im posting this because he has no forum account.

He should register one? I do not see the problem

A console log would be useful.

what addon is he trying to use?

if he's using a weapon/bricks/vehicles, and doesn't see it in the main menu, that's to be expected
if he doesn't see them in the addon list, then you should probably check if he's on the steam version of mac or if he's putting the zip files in the right place

does your friend know he has to enable add-ons before being and to use them