Best quotes of badspot

Author Topic: Best quotes of badspot  (Read 3017 times)

This thread is to honor our lord and savior badspot.
Post the best quotes of badspot you can find
(it can be from forums and ingame)
I'll go first with a slight page stretch

"User was banned for this post"
Always satisfying to read when someone acts like a dipstuff

Hey guys what's going on in this thread?
only good quote

ah yes the day badspot finally snapped and decided the only future for blockland was six feet under

not even kidding I check badspot's account at least once a day to see if laid the smackdown on some kiddo

not even kidding I check badspot's account at least once a day to see if laid the smackdown on some kiddo

only good quote
Really, because it seemed more like you were about to shoot up a school.

I'm not naming it "Betelgeuse" because I don't plan on making it project gay research until I get banned from the arena.


  • Administrator
Re: Furries

I'm sure at this point, we're all familiar with the modern hyper-offended/identity politics/SJW brain virus that is cutting a path through humanity.  There was a time when this virus was gestating exclusively within the furry population.  Children would create a fursona in an attempt to make themselves seem special - "oh I seem ordinary but I feel like a fancy animal inside".  When called out on this bullstuff, they would of course become angry - but this gave them a purpose.  There's nothing like the thrill of righteous indignation, of fighting for what you believe is your core being.  

At some point, the persecution itself became the goal.  Furries would shoe-horn their degenerate aesthetic sense into every topic they could, specifically with the intent of provoking a reaction.  Most were doing this subconsciously, the primitive sectors of their brain driving them to feel the satisfaction of conflict and the imagined victory that followed.

At this point in time, I advocated for quarantine and extermination to contain the brain virus.  After all, how do you fight something whose goal is self righteous indignation and conflict?  It's very difficult to even explain the concept, let alone come up with an antidote.

This is a simplification of the entire scenario, of course.  There are many other factors involved in the evolution of this virus, the feminization of education and politics, media emphasis on the underdog, etc.  But here we are today and the virus is everywhere.  The concept of the 'progressive stack' - ordering people by their identity rather than their merit - is discussed as a valid idea.  'Academics' openly attack the concept of free speech.  Children as young as three are being brow-beaten into changing their gender.  The prime minister of canada openly admitted to choosing his cabinet members based on their genitals and received applause.  The infection spreads from students to the highest levels of government.  

I'm not sure if the problem has left the furry community or if it is simply drowned out by the din of the wider world.  Either way, by today's standards furries are utterly harmless.

On a more personal note, my objection to furry is aesthetic.  The snout look is terrible and I think it's used as a crutch by bad artists to avoid triggering a negative response from the specialized face processing area of the brain that we all have.  I also dislike the hyper-accessorized 'scene' look and how everything has to look like a try-hard teenager.  

There are some super talented artists that do furry - more than their used to be it seems.  Maybe they've just gotten older and improved, which is admirable.  But their work could be further improved by adding human faces.  

I guess the real issue is that the culture of participation - everyone has to have their own fursona - leads many children and terrible artists to draw terrible stuff.  Now this happens everywhere, but when you add in the 'this is my identity' issue suddenly people take personal offense to technical comments, are unwilling to take any kind of criticism, and we're back to evolving the brain virus.  

In the grand scheme of things though, people liking things that I don't seems completely irrelevant to me now.  Perhaps it's the number of actual criminals and legitimate head cases I've had to deal with on the forum since then, but it just doesn't register as a problem to me anymore.

I'd like to think there's a healthy middle ground somewhere between tumblr and the westboro baptist church.  

Re: Apple

"I'm a mac" has become a self diagnosed disease - a crutch that the weak-minded use to excuse themselves from any situation that might require thought.  It is münchausen syndrome by software.

You signed on for this bullstuff when you bought a Macintosh.

Re: Furries

Re: Apple

i do believe that this is now the best badspot quote

dont forget the mailboxes

badspot what about linux