Author Topic: Richard Spencer gets bulied by woman in gym, loses gym membership  (Read 26624 times)

I don't care anymore, just ban me already if you're this stupid.

rest in piss you won't be missed

why is nearly every single post of yours just you advocating your trolling clan, praising betelgeuse, or flaming someone?
leave it to this furry social justice warrior to stretch and pull so much bullstuff out of his ass it reaches his small intestine

So if you move to some hick town and everyone finds out that you voted for Hillary and suddenly you can't go to any stores or businesses, is that ok?  How do we determine which ideas are ok to ostracize people for?
I think it's clear where openly and genuinely expressing something upon the lines of "I want to gas the kikes and deport the mondays to Africa" is problematic and differs from simply saying, for example, that you support Hillary Clinton or even Donald Annoying Orange for whatever reason. Putting tribal and bigoted beliefs on the same level socially as such allows them to be legitimized and to proliferate. These people have their own places to discuss these things anyway.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 12:37:38 AM by Johnimiester »

leave it to this furry social justice warrior to stretch and pull so much bullstuff out of his ass it reaches his small intestine
why is your only purpose for visiting these forums to pick on and stuff on others?
why is nearly every single post of yours just you ... flaming someone?

le meme xD!!!
"I'll use a white extremest meme against him! It'll stop him and his thot patrol buddys in their tracks!"

"I'll use a white extremest meme against him! It'll stop him and his thot patrol buddys in their tracks!"
the day has come where you can no longer use pepe without having it carry the white supremacy mark on it apparently
this pepe was an easier to find (and already cropped) alternative to this:

this pepe was an easier to find (and already cropped) alternative to this:

ok how loving backwards are you

ok how loving backwards are you
that's not cropped to just the face, like i wanted it. "tired pepe" is a lot less characters than "stock image man pointing gun at head"

I don't care anymore, just ban me already if you're this stupid.


Gotta love it how even if Badspot shat on a table people would rush up to suck his rooster and say "oh wow, you're so smart for owning this douche"

Gotta love it how even if Badspot shat on a table people would rush up to suck his rooster and say "oh wow, you're so smart for owning this douche"
someone hasnt had their richard sucked during a debate