Unpopular Opinions v5

Author Topic: Unpopular Opinions v5  (Read 28516 times)

where did you read or hear that you forgetthief. I'm trying to remember but I have no idea where it was
on uhhh e-reddit or something idk

I don't think pewdiepie is cancerous.

now that I think about it I actually enjoyed SAO more than AoT

it was one of the highest grossing films ever and yet you almost never see people reference it .  im amazed at how little cultural impact the film made despite its massive success like wtf. anyway yeah it wasnt that good i got it by ordering a pizza and it came bundled or something 4.5/10
hey man i got to see this movie in 3d it was pretty kick ass

filthy frank is stuff
cringe humor in general is pretty awful. yeah, he did something weird and gross. try being funny instead.

i like the taste of cheaply made boiled hotdog & canned chili from like a hotdog stand better than the nice grilled hotdogs with homemade chili

I like the taste of canned vegetables (green beans, sweet corn) more than I do the taste of fresh vegetables some times.

the smells of gasoline and pool chlorine are not irritating to me

I like the taste of canned vegetables (green beans, sweet corn) more than I do the taste of fresh vegetables some times.

regular pears are gross
canned pears are delicious (probably because of all the sugar they add lol)

I love the smell of Diesel fumes

A can of Vienna Sausages (smoked flavour) with the juice drained out and BBQ sauce added in is the best homemade barbecue you can make on a budget

I hate regular tomatoes.