Author Topic: Unpopular Opinions v5  (Read 28864 times)

pop not soda

honestly when it comes to girls, the more they look like they could beat me up, the more into it I am

so long as their figure stays feminine and they're not too veiny im ok with it, im not into girls who could look like male bodybuilders from behind lol

pop not soda

come to ohio, that is not an unpopular opinion here

yeah it's not in the great lakes states, but for the rest of the world.......

french fries and ice cream are a great combination.

I still hate both of them.
how about i kick you in the loving teeth

personally, the witcher 3 is extremely overrated.
it's a mediocre experience in a typical fantasy style world, you get a stuffty sword and you stab monsters and people with it, maybe even a bow and magic idk i fell asleep after 1 hour of pushing myself to play it.
i tell people that i disliked the game and they just don't believe me; i get told that i'm "hating on it to be different", or "why did you buy it if it's not your thing" where i then answer by saying that i played the living forget out of skyrim and enjoyed every second of it
good graphics don't make a good game, you can add hair physics, nose wrinkles, and realistic skin flaking but i still won't think of a game as good unless i enjoy playing it.

I still think the Sega CD was a good idea but it was badly presented to developers.

Summer is the worst season.

We should throw disabled babies of cliffs again
They shouldve started with me

The world could stand to lose about 6 billion people.

Old people with no further use should be put down.

Life support should not be a thing. If you're meant to die, die. This means by diseases as well. Humans defy the law of natural selection by dosing themselves with vaccines.

Anybody who is of no use to society should be put down. That includes mentally impaired and physically impaired, unless they serve a purpose.

You shouldn't have to take bullstuff classes throughout school years to get credits. It just pisses people off.

Before anybody says I should die, I would gladly do it if it meant the world could start stabilizing itself and go back to the ways of proper natural selection.

Transgenderism is a cancer. Multigenderism is a cancer.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 02:33:32 PM by Aplem »

otherkin is bullstuff honestly

Summer is the worst season.

holy stuff am i with you there

fall / winter for life