Author Topic: Unpopular Opinions v5  (Read 28860 times)

Shadows are better than maps when they actually work without too much lag

An A press is an A press you can't say it's only half.
Wow, I get this reference. My time browsing KYM has paid off.

Undertale was a pretty good game

french fries and ice cream are a great combination.

dude holy hell yes

Wow, I get this reference. My time browsing KYM has paid off.

i'm pretty sure most people got that reference

Undertale was a pretty good game

this is unpopular?

Summer is the worst season.
Completely agree. Rather be freezing cold than being all sweaty and sticky and tired.

otherkin is bullstuff honestly
How is this an unpopular opinion? Otherkin is notorious for being a plethora of cringe.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 02:56:05 PM by Valkerone »

personally, the witcher 3 is extremely overrated.
it's a mediocre experience in a typical fantasy style world, you get a stuffty sword and you stab monsters and people with it, maybe even a bow and magic idk i fell asleep after 1 hour of pushing myself to play it.
i tell people that i disliked the game and they just don't believe me; i get told that i'm "hating on it to be different", or "why did you buy it if it's not your thing" where i then answer by saying that i played the living forget out of skyrim and enjoyed every second of it
good graphics don't make a good game, you can add hair physics, nose wrinkles, and realistic skin flaking but i still won't think of a game as good unless i enjoy playing it.
easily the worst opinion so far. genocide and natural selection among society ain't stuff

i kinda like starbound

c7 corvette looks like a tacky hotwheels car
what year?

i kinda like starbound
yeah but i still refunded it after
Summer is the worst season.
winter is the best season because TOBOGGANING

Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars film.

People like Master Mathew are necessary to keep the forum alive.
i agree

quicktime events arent that bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

is disliking antifa an unpopular opinion