Author Topic: [ALERT!] Terrorist Blows up Manchester Arena - Multiple Injured!  (Read 19367 times)

The sample sizes have set margins of error and if you took a statistics class you'd realize they are well over what is considered 'too small'.
You are simply uneducated and willfully ignorant.

Come back with facts and data or shut the forget up and quit peddling the toxic narrative that Islam only has a 'small number of extreme individuals'.
You're wrong and we've all proven it several times here.
you've only proven that 39 thousand people have extreme beliefs and that's it, margin of error or not. You're entirely right about that.

The 99% of afghans or 50% of muslims is all inconclusive

how exactly are you coming to the conclusion that randomly interviewing people is going to ignore "moderate" muslims? do only Self Delete bombers respond to polls?

the margin of error doesnt mean much in what im sayinf. What im saying is that a sample size is meant to reach a statistical conclusion but that conclusion is entirely within the scope of the people interviewed. Its not proof that 50% of muslims are radical, and to assume that is to draw an incorrect conclusion.

literally handicapped and averse to facts.
i'm sorry you have a disability that prevents you from understanding how statistics and facts work.  i really do feel bad for you buddy

All you gotta do is interview every Muslim in the world, then you can finally decide if Islam is a dangerous ideology or not.

Dont feel bad tezuni. You still haven't proven stuff. All you've shown is that a small number of people in the world were interviewed

not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim
it's a meme calm your tits

All you gotta do is interview every Muslim in the world, then you can finally decide if Islam is a dangerous ideology or not.

you've only proven that 39 thousand people have extreme beliefs and that's it, margin of error or not. You're entirely right about that.

The 99% of afghans or 50% of muslims is all inconclusive
Are you legitmately trying to say unless we interview every muslim alive, then the statistic will be "unreliable" and "absolutely false"?

If so, thats total lunacy, it would be hard as hell to interview a million people let alone a billion.

Phant "conservatives do x" OS

Dont feel bad tezuni. You still haven't proven stuff. All you've shown is that a small number of people in the world were interviewed
people like to meme about cognitive dissonance but woah dude, step back and take a look at what you're saying here

Are you legitmately trying to say unless we interview every muslim alive, then the statistic will be "unreliable" and "absolutely false"?

If so, thats total lunacy, it would be hard as hell to interview a million people let alone a billion.
you're right, the pew research statistics are meant to draw a conclusion for research purposes only. Its not meant to be taken as a holy bible statistic to build all your conservative laws around.

The context that your type constantly uses it in is "small sample size statistics therefore we should ban all muslims" when its meant to be used as 'statistics therefore we can conduct further research'

Phant "conservatives do x" OS
liberals burn cities and beat up innocent people. Its a tough world

individuals from politically unstable, oppressive nations, or individuals that experience incredibly poor living standards and suffer from very low political efficacy, are much more likely to utilize, or sympathize with, violent forms of unconventional political action. we've seen it in the past, we see it now in the middle east, we've been seeing it even now in the US. this seems to me the most reasonable explanation for the primary source of motivation for the terrorist groups we've seen in the middle east. groups grasping for power and representation of interests that they're convinced they have no other means of seeing realized. it doesn't make sense to me that this is entirely the fault of a defunct doctrine that drives its followers to inane acts of deathly violence, because islam has existed for many, many centuries, and we're only now, in the past few decades, seeing these terrorist groups rise. it seems incredibly convenient that this would just happen to begin occurring alongside all the political turmoil underway.

you're right, the pew research statistics are meant to draw a conclusion for research purposes only. Its not meant to be taken as a holy bible statistic to build all your conservative laws around.

The context that your type constantly uses it in is "small sample size statistics therefore we should ban all muslims" when its meant to be used as 'statistics therefore we can conduct further research'
Besides the fact that a million muslims being interviewed would still be less than 1% of all muslims and infact be a "small sample"

 What do you propose "further reasearch" to mean exactly?

Besides the fact that a million muslims being interviewed would still be less than 1% of all muslims and infact be a "small sample"

 What do you propose "further reasearch" to mean exactly?

39,000 is suddenly a million

And i dont know but if you take research intended statistics, say "1 in 5 women are loveually assaulted" and say "we should make a law to focus more on women being raped" then now you just completely forgeted over all male rape victims thanks to a small sample size interview