Author Topic: punished toxicology - thot  (Read 23546 times)

Entirely false. I've already explained this; He adds nothing directly to the topic with his humor.
It's only spam at this point- meaningless gargle, I don't see how hard that is to understand. He doesn't take the time to think of something to post to add to a discussion. You've seen it- He went into a topic just to call someone a furry, no more, no less. A complete waste of space,
and it presumably caused a ruckus within the topic. He is only here to troll people, that's literally all he's doing anymore. He doesn't come up
with clever jokes or anything actually funny, he just regurgitates bullstuff. Has he actually added onto topics with anything relating to the topic at hand, once, ever? No, he hasn't once. Ever. At all. And his "jokes" or "humorous posts" aren't adding to the topic anymore- they're just there to fill up pages.I shouldn't need to remind you that he has over 100 pages of nonsense, right?
He'll never change. But this topic isn't only about him changing either, its about his cult following as well.
When toxicology posts a humorous comment, often they are following right behind and posting more, derailing the thread further
and just making it a spam of memes-- Like they have this drama, so that no one can actually discuss toxicology. Everyone's too distracted anymore.
what can i say they're my fans not my fault they love me so much

I don't understand how people can get so irritated at something that's obviously a self aware bit.

I don't understand how people can get so irritated at something that's obviously a self aware bit.
It's like when a comedy act has overstayed it's welcome

what can i say they're my fans not my fault they love me so much
It is entirely your own fault. You created a loving clan for it. You clearly do want that they spam and stuff-post.
I don't understand how people can get so irritated at something that's obviously a self aware bit.
It's like when a comedy act has overstayed it's welcome

It is entirely your own fault. You created a loving clan for it. You clearly do want that they spam and stuff-post.
clearly you haven't been keeping up on what my clan is up to

+ my secret project in the works

The fact that your clan builds does not matter, you have a "thot of the month" post to discriminate and generally bully anyone who
posts that you dislike. And regardless what you do in the clan, you still have people that are clearly from your clan that follow you around
to stuff-post threads, with you being in the lead. If you stopped stuff-posting, then they probably would too.
But you refuse to, and that's why I made this loving drama, not because I have no sense of humor but because you are the start to all the
stuff-posting in topics.

I don't understand how people can get so irritated at something that's obviously a self aware bit.
likewise i don't understand how people can't get that repeatedly doing something like this can get annoying to a good amount of people

Hey if thot patrol want to spend their time here pretending they have mental deficiencies, good for them. Society ultimately benefits because they're not spending as much time spreading their sperginess IRL lol

Hey if thot patrol want to spend their time here pretending they have mental deficiencies, good for them. Society ultimately benefits because they're not spending as much time spreading their sperginess IRL lol
That isn't a valid point either. They're still bothering us regardless.

likewise i don't understand how people can't get that repeatedly doing something like this can get annoying to a good amount of people
it's really interesting that for the most part this same group of people are either/both overly sensitive furrys or people that take the blf way too seriously.

That isn't a valid point either. They're still bothering us regardless.
They're only bothering you because you let them. You're going to find lots of people in life who will bother you. More often than not the best option will be to simply ignore them.