Author Topic: punished toxicology - thot  (Read 23719 times)

darryl's advice is best in this situation. can't do much more than what you've already done through this topic - active members will still continue to harass you and people who dont think they're any good will still think they suck. whatever part of the community that supports you isn't big enough to call them out and make them stop.

They're only bothering you because you let them. You're going to find lots of people in life who will bother you. More often than not the best option will be to simply ignore them.
You do realize I'm not the only one being bothered by them, right? It's clearly not just a personal gripe. Maybe, I don't know, people have gotten tired of seeing the same stuff all the time?
it's really interesting that for the most part this same group of people are either/both overly sensitive furrys or people that take the blf way too seriously.
Well now you're just pulling stuff straight out of your ass.

You do realize I'm not the only one being bothered by them, right? It's clearly not just a personal gripe. Maybe, I don't know, people have gotten tired of seeing the same stuff all the time?
So if you're not going to ignore them, how do you go about getting them to stop? Clearly what you've tried so far hasn't worked so what's the game plan here?

you have a "thot of the month" post to discriminate and generally bully anyone who posts that you dislike.

real talk if you actually think calling people thots is bullying in any sort of way you really need to regain some sense of humor

no one here calls people thots unironically or as a hard-hitting insult

real talk if you actually think calling people thots is bullying in any sort of way you really need to regain some sense of humor

no one here calls people thots unironically or as a hard-hitting insult
begone thot

thing is they're calling out a user for doing something completely harmless so their cronies can go up to said user and start stuffting all over them

thing is they're calling out a user for doing something completely harmless so their cronies can go up to said user and start stuffting all over them
are you mad you got kicked out of my cronies?

Well now you're just pulling stuff straight out of your ass.
not at all lol, look at the responses by masterlegodude gr8dayseth nix and others.

not at all lol, look at the responses by masterlegodude gr8dayseth nix and others.
Furries react to group targeting furries. Shocked.

not at all lol, look at the responses by masterlegodude gr8dayseth nix and others.
wtf is your problem with seth? honestly i'd love to know because only once in a blue moon is he actually against anyone in drama

Furries react to group targeting furries. Shocked.
Thot patrol doesn't target furrys.

Grim for the 30th time, it's furries not furrys

not at all lol, look at the responses by masterlegodude gr8dayseth nix and others.
It's kind of expected that the people who are on the forums every day and have to put up with this are the ones who are complaining about it

But even then, i've really slowed up on pursuing dramas related to you guys because it's obvious that nothing's ever gonna happen until you guys actually mess up, in which case you'll just keep coming back anyway, so it's really just a fruitless effort

But seeing as the topic was just devolving into memery, i figured i should try to help out a bit in proving Crazies' point about Toxicology's behavior

not at all lol, look at the responses by masterlegodude gr8dayseth nix and others.
why am i included tho i only posted one thing here and that was just me saying why it is people are annoyed with him so u understood
wtf is your problem with seth? honestly i'd love to know because only once in a blue moon is he actually against anyone in drama
yea i'm curious with this too

Thot patrol doesn't target furrys.
Given you have this weird obsession with furries that's nonsense