Author Topic: What are the origins of your username?  (Read 6225 times)

I always thought it was lordican wtf
Everyone says that.
When they try to pronounce my name this always happens as well.
I stopped trying to get them to say it right. >_<

u just lordican't handle it

Well I didn't think "lordvader66" would hold up well later in the future lol.

Had the name since I was about 6. Don't know how I came up with it.

Ever seen one of those street signs?

YouTube name. I wanted it to just be beachbum but it and beachbum 11 were taken so I got mad and spammed ones

I used to play wolfenstein ET online, and online you're a nobody, so I went by Nobody
then when I eventually started to play bl I think the name was taken so I chose to be Anybody, because you can be an anybody on internet too

I've kinda stuck with it now..

..maybe one day I'll be Somebody
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 12:57:04 PM by Anybody »

friend's username was thecakeisaspy

so i cashed in because my old one was awful.

like REAAAAALLY awful

made a stuffton of alts in roblox back in 2010 and 2011

one of those alts was 77x5 with the join date of 10/5/2010

then 2 months later i decided to add a random word to 77x5 and "ghost" was the first in mind

i was going for Are4444 before realizing i would look like an Are92 wannabe

I was given this name but i can't remember who or what gave it to me.

What I used for roblox. My name is Joe, and I though 411 sounded cool.

In 2012 I had just discovered what Unicode characters were, I thought it sounded cool, and it just kinda stuck i guess