a roleplay thread except you only use /me

Author Topic: a roleplay thread except you only use /me  (Read 2706 times)

* AverageDude starts a vote to execute Potatoh for screwing up

* cromartini Votes AGAINST the execution

* Peebs eliminates all fidget spinners.

* Menderman kills himself

* Super Suit 12 attempts to snipe potatoh because no democracy for you

* Marios assasinates Super Suit 12 as a proud defender of democracy

* Potatoh levels up

* Marios confiscates Potatoh's illegally obtained experience

* Super Suit 12 looks at what /me actually translates to when you hit post and thinks it's weird

* Master Matthew² checks the /me command, after supersuit said something, to find it actually works wtf

* Copy Kirby is angery

* p0rtalGeek is angerery

* Redd dies of cardiac arrest

* ?Sir Info? revives Redd using a rock and a thunderbolt straight out of Zeus's ass