Author Topic: [NEWS] 8 Dead in Mississippi shooting  (Read 4269 times)

i just don't find it that funny, "8 people dead as a result of domestic dispute. BUT forget MUSLIMS THO, LOL  :cookieMonster:
who the forget is saying forget muslims you dolt

religion of peace
religion of peace
Bullets of Peace

A man calling himself Willie Cory Godbolt told a local newspaper he was the suspect

r E l i G I o N  o F  p E A c E

who the forget is saying forget muslims you dolt

who else does the "religion of peace"  meme refer too?

who the forget is saying forget muslims you dolt
Are you joking?

white trailer trash hick
in the first article, the dude looks pretty black to me

in the first article, the dude looks pretty black to me

I think the man being held down by the black man is Mr. Godbolt, but he does seem pretty dark skinned

who else does the "religion of peace"  meme refer too?
its a loving joke. do you think if someone makes a joke about the holocaust they're saying "yeah forget the kikes"
Are you joking?
would you kindly point me in the direction of the text implying that they hate muslims because i'm not seeing it

hell redgaijin and leisuresuit, the two guys who seem like the people who abso-loving-lutely hate any hint of islamophobia even joked about it

its a loving joke. do you think if someone makes a joke about the holocaust they're saying "yeah forget the kikes" would you kindly point me in the direction of the text implying that they hate muslims because i'm not seeing it

If it's not that, then the joke must be "Muslims are/will be responsible for all shootings or extreme acts of violence, ever, lol" and it still isn't that funny of a joke, which is the point I'm trying to make

If it's not that, then the joke must be "Muslims are/will be responsible for all shootings or extreme acts of violence, ever, lol" and it still isn't that funny of a joke, which is the point I'm trying to make
humor is subjective. i didnt find it to be a knee-slapper either but there was no need to make a big stink over it

If it's not that, then the joke must be "Muslims are/will be responsible for all shootings or extreme acts of violence, ever, lol" and it still isn't that funny of a joke, which is the point I'm trying to make
boy if I didn't start this meme call me a hipster because I certainly did it before it was cool. I've been stuffposting 'religion of peace' for years but I do it to mock the starfishs who try to stuff on billion of people like they have anything to do with a group of extremists. at least in my case (and I suspect many) it is not insulting muslims. in some cases (at least in my own) it's doing the opposite and mocking people who actually write stuff like that after every CIA shooting.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 12:17:09 PM by McZealot »

point me in the direction of the text implying that they hate muslims because i'm not seeing it

hell redgaijin and leisuresuit, the two guys who seem like the people who abso-loving-lutely hate any hint of islamophobia even joked about it
The only reason I said are you joking is because the joke is clearly making fun of Islam, but you're right
Also knowing Matthew you can never tell