Author Topic: Freaky Animorphs Thoughts  (Read 1453 times)

I first read animorphs in Fifth grade, and now, 11 years later, I still occasionally stay up at night wondering about the implications of Clothed Morphing

As we all know, in K.A Applegate's seminal body-horror children's series, radical teens turn into animals and stop freaky deaky aliens from assimilating their parents. Yeah, yeah, Par for the forgetin' course. But you only gotta look at the cover of those books to note that said teens are morphing into animals with their clothes on. Regardless of their osh gosh galoshes, these kids assume the form of an animal, an UN CLOTHED animal. To which i can only assume, they incorporate their clothes/necklaces/etc. into their new animalian form, and not only that, later re-construct said clothes when they morph back. If you really think about this stuff, it's bonkers.

First off, how the forget?? I can believe being able to biologically rewrite yourself, because all life spawned from the same source, but inanimate objects?? It's presumed the Andelites have this innate morphing ability, so clearly it's not just fairy tale bippidy boppidy magic, and that only makes things more nutso.

Here's a question - If i morphed into a weasel, and then morphed back into my classically handsome self, would my Galaxy s6 still work?  I have no knowledge how the thing works, and its internal components are so incongruous to my biological makeup, would I really be able to piece it back together when it was previously a weasel's kidney? The problem is all these books were written in the 90's, when kids didn't have stuff it in their pockets, so i'm at a loss here!

Also, what's the upper bound?? I won't even get into the whole conservation of matter conundrum that is turning a 5'3 cheerleader into a 2 ton elephant, but say I construct a pair of blue jeans with pockets that are big enough to each contain a small office, each containing your standard array of office supplies, and also 2 D-class temp workers. If i then morph into a rabbit, and then unmorph, could i realistically re-create each office, and also, would the people i recreate really be the same, or would they be doppelgangers?

forget. Thoughts?

I've just investigated the animorphs story and realized that series is BEYOND forgeted up, like jesus, i probably should've read past volume 3. My point still stands however

I think the realities of that series are far more horrific than what you're thinking of

what if the clothes are really morphing into the fur of the animal?

I think that this series is the result of some kind of fever dream. My recollections of some of the Animorphs books feel like that, at least.

I remember reading in one of them that they had to wear really light, simple clothing or else it comes out all tattered and ripped when they turn back to normal.

I mean the cube thingy that gave them the powers allows them to telepathically talk to each other. That's another question: how do you keep your thoughts to yourself, and then how do you "talk" to others with your mind??? I don't want to be thinking about midget amputee research while I'm flying around as a hawk with some friends and accidentally broadcast that out to all of them.

I don't want to be thinking about midget amputee research while I'm flying around as a hawk
i think u may have bigger problems


the clothes are a part of their bodies sort of like nails or hair

thats my guess anyway

from what i heard the series is totally messed up so okay

I remember reading in one of them that they had to wear really light, simple clothing or else it comes out all tattered and ripped when they turn back to normal.
alright well that eases my worries

thank god i can finally get a good nights sleep now

oops quoted instead of modifying :S