Author Topic: BLF plays Europa Universalis IV  (Read 3181 times)

oop sorry, didnt see the "this friday" bit in op

So since we're starting at 1444 what Italian nation do you want to play?

So since we're starting at 1444 what Italian nation do you want to play?

you know what

forget it im ming

i can play ternate i guess

you know what

forget it im ming

I forgot to put this in OP but I'm not letting anyone play Ming specifically. They are just too OP in patch 1.21

I forgot to put this in OP but I'm not letting anyone play Ming specifically. They are just too OP in patch 1.21

milan then

i'll be switching from the japs to the austrians as well

eu4's mechanics have changed so much uniting japan was nothing like i remember it being and is practically broken, what a shame

i dont have like 90% of the dlcs for this game so this is going to be a trainwreck for me lol

well stuff apparently I don't have yurop univers IV
remove me from the list pls

i'm afraid i'm not gonna be able to make it today, a few things have come up and i'd rather not be caught up in another multi-tasking frenzy, so if anyone else wants to take my position as austria, go ahead

I'm leaning towards playing ottomans but I feel like that might be too cheap. What do you guys think?

I'm leaning towards playing ottomans but I feel like that might be too cheap. What do you guys think?

do mameluks

I'm leaning towards playing ottomans but I feel like that might be too cheap. What do you guys think?

i would play but since it is in the americas i would just end up setting the speed 1 everytime

After some technical difficulties the server is up for setup.

Name is "blockland plays Europa Universalis IV" and the password is "blockland"

Game will start at 6 as planned

If you want to add me so you can just join via steamworks then my steam is here
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 06:44:04 PM by beachbum111111 »

UPDATE: Game is messing up for me and not displaying the DLCs. Need to verify the game then the server will be up