Author Topic: How do you texture your model?  (Read 938 times)

I have textured my model in Milkshape, saved the image files and dts in the same folder (while keeping a backup .obj in there in case I need to edit). I open F11 in-game and check the model as a static shape, but the texture won't show. It is not like a mirror, like there is no texture. People who join still download the textures. it's just that it won't show, it's blank white.

1: Created Plane
2: Duplicated, flipped horizontally, and moved slightly out (to make model I can put 2 different textures on without making 2 cubes..less poly?)
3: Went to materials, made new material and loaded first texture. Selected a plane, then assign. It showed up in 3d view (I set to show texture)
4: Same with other side but new texture
5: Exported as DTS to folder I made in Shapes, which also contains the images I put on it.

the texture needs to be a 256x256 (if im right) .png pic, saved in the shapes folder, so u can open it in milkshape and apply it on the model... you also can do it in the .cs but i down know how..

I don't think textures need to be perfectly square...I'm trying to apply an IMAGE to it(image is rectangle, so I made plane rectangular) , and when I open the texture in Milkshape, it works and shows on the model in 3d view. I'm using version 1.8.2, btw. I registered it.

well for blockland you need 256x256 or bigger but the only size i know is 256x256

in milk shape it also could be 1x1 but not for blockland models

So the texture has to be perfectly square, but I can stretch the model so the image returns to it's original look? Like I could use imageready to make the height longer so it's perfectly square, then use the model to make it look rectangular?