Author Topic: Is snopes even credible anymore?  (Read 2881 times)

i find snape to be a very creditable person

There's a huge difference between slant, bias, and cherrypicking.
Snopes does none of that. Snopes is straight up disingenuous at best and outright lying through deceptive imagery at worst.
They will take a single word out of a claim and use it to rate it "mostly false" when it fact it is "mostly true, but this one point means the entire thing is forgeted, so here you go!"
But they KNOW most people are drooling slackjawed degenerates who don't read past the MOSTLY FALSE so it's not like they'd be held to account for being even a tad off about their fact checking. And you know what, you don't get to be a fact checking site and be bias. Facts, by their very definition, are unbiased, or is Snopes in the business of Alternative Facts now?

There's a huge difference between slant, bias, and cherrypicking.
Snopes does none of that. Snopes is straight up disingenuous at best and outright lying through deceptive imagery at worst.
They will take a single word out of a claim and use it to rate it "mostly false" when it fact it is "mostly true, but this one point means the entire thing is forgeted, so here you go!"
But they KNOW most people are drooling slackjawed degenerates who don't read past the MOSTLY FALSE so it's not like they'd be held to account for being even a tad off about their fact checking. And you know what, you don't get to be a fact checking site and be bias. Facts, by their very definition, are unbiased, or is Snopes in the business of Alternative Facts now?
i think a lot of this has to do with the application of snopes in arguments rather than snopes itself. snopes' format means that it only addresses singular points by nature, but if you take a snopes article saying something is false and use it to say that someone's entire argument is bunk, that's a fallacy. snopes disproving that one point, however, is not, because they aren't in the business of countering arguments, they're in the business of debunking falsehoods.

anyone that i dont agree with is biased end of story

didnt the dude that runs snopes embezzle a stuff ton of money and leave his wife because she was fat?

Snopes has a blatant liberal bias, likely a side effect of the political leaning of its founder/employees.

Here are fun ones:

And of course there's Politifact:

how are the snopes ones wrong

yeah i don't see anything wrong with the snopes ones

yeah i don't see anything wrong with the snopes ones
how are the snopes ones wrong
im glad i wasnt the only one

wesley you need to provide evidence or at the very least a counterpoint to debase something

Really, guys?
First off there was video of the "traffic incident" and they pulled the white guy out of his car while saying "He voted Annoying Orange, get him!" only with more ebonics
Second: there's literally audio of it so why the forget are they lying