Author Topic: how do you pronounce waffle  (Read 19189 times)

i have never heard it not pronounced like dime

pair uh dime is how its said

the same way as jalapeno
or as i like to say it, juh LAH pen oh

this isn't even a question, there's only one way to pronounce it

this is like when I asked if eating poisoned food was murder or Self Delete

pair uh dime
or if you're handicapped: pahra digem

it has and always will be pronounced pair-a-dime

cause aussie accent

it has and always will be pronounced pair-a-dime
It's less "pair-a-dime" and more "para-dime" (as in parachute) when I say it, but I think I would boil the difference down to being due to accents.

It's less "pair-a-dime" and more "para-dime" (as in parachute) when I say it, but I think I would boil the difference down to being due to accents.
must be. pair-a and para are the same for me.