Author Topic: how do you pronounce waffle  (Read 18976 times)

If I just see "Prix" written down, I want to pronounce it "Pricks", but "Pree" is the right pronunciation.

Silly friend, prix are for kids.

Silly friend, prix are for kids.
'forget now i'm gonna be pronouncing trix in my head as tree

i'm not going to tell you how i pronounce it because i feel like i'd get lynched for it
nah man don't worry nobody's gonna mob on you for it at this point, it really can't be worse than the last questions at least. how do you pronounce it? there's seriously no real way to even mispronounce it since it's just two ways to say it


nah man don't worry nobody's gonna mob on you for it at this point, it really can't be worse than the last questions at least. how do you pronounce it? there's seriously no real way to even mispronounce it since it's just two ways to say it

nah i've always said it as pricks it just makes more sense

if they wanted it to be said as pree they would have called it "prie" or something less STUPID


nah i've always said it as pricks it just makes more sense

if they wanted it to be said as pree they would have called it "prie" or something less STUPID

I think it's taken from french
which makes sense because the french can't spell

yes it is definitely French