Author Topic: [Weapons] Half-Life 1: Tau Cannon and Gluon Gun - Update: Raycasting  (Read 5066 times)

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Old thread:

Tau Cannon and Gluon Gun



Changes in this version:

- Weapons now Raycast and have continuous, instant beams.
- Tau cannon beam will reflect on obtuse angles
- Tau cannon alt-fire will penetrate through 3 walls
- Tau cannon is now fully automatic, to charge you must hold both LMB and RMB at the same time, and release to fire a charged shot
- Both weapons are packaged in the same file

Models haven't changed since the previous version. Please remove the old versions before using this one.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 05:30:22 AM by Rally »

Oh! its the 4th post! i have to reserve it before anyone else steal it!!

This was the most op gun in hl1 deathmatch and now it can be the most op gun in blockland deathmatch.

I remember learning how to jump with it and kill people midair.

do you plan on making the rest of the hl1 kit?
snarks would be amazing (if thats even possible)

do you plan on making the rest of the hl1 kit?
snarks would be amazing (if thats even possible)

I've been thinking up some plans for how Snarks might work but it'll probably come after the satchel charge, the hornet gun and the rocket launcher

Also yea, I'm doing all the unique weapons first and then I might release all the ballistic weapons in a big pack

*whip crack* start working boy

these are nice, thank you.

I've been thinking up some plans for how Snarks might work but it'll probably come after the satchel charge, the hornet gun and the rocket launcher
You could probably have it spawn bots that die after a certain amount of time and have a way for the bots to not target the user once they're released

Spore Launcher From Opposing Force?