Author Topic: Some type of addon that can reduce brickcount  (Read 5908 times)

Long story short, an RPG Gunny and I are working on is already around 200k bricks, and that's just the terrain, and we're not even finished with the terrain.

here are some pics:

So, as seen in the 2nd picture. There are a variety of bricks that can be merged there.

Can somebody please make a mod that reduces brickcount / merges bricks?

At this point  PAH Already made a merger for the vertical bricks but the horizontal ones are still separate.

   Any ideas to reduce brick count would help besides the generic just dont build that big etc.

Rebuild the terrain using large modter bricks.

Rebuild the terrain using large modter bricks.
h e c k   o f f

h e c k   o f f
what the forget
can you not rebuild it using modter jesus christ

what the forget
can you not rebuild it using modter jesus christ
his build is at 200k bricks, do you really think they would want to waste all of their time and effort just to replace it all with modter bricks which look subpar compared with the current bricks?

his build is at 200k bricks, do you really think they would want to waste all of their time and effort just to replace it all with modter bricks which look subpar compared with the current bricks?

his build is at 200k bricks, do you really think they would want to waste all of their time and effort just to replace it all with modter bricks which look subpar compared with the current bricks?
Additionally, this build has been many years in the making on and off.

At the very least we're going to make a smaller map, which is what we're doing now. That is, until we get a brickcount fix.

Also forget modter

Also forget modter
well in essence, i was trying to say forget modter

Rebuild the terrain using large modter bricks.
what the forget
can you not rebuild it using modter jesus christ
how are you this loving dense

what the forget
can you not rebuild it using modter jesus christ

I see why you would like modter for a build this scale but I really don't want to rebuild all of it again and in my personal opinion I think it looks god awful in most cases. Yes the builds around 220k right now and at this point im thinking of just chopping it in half and see if we can get it playable but i'd rather not do that.

pls help me mercy

i'm guessing those are mostly 4x cubes
do you have bricks that would work to replace them? or just use a 4x8 brick instead?

honestly this is why i hate using 4x cubes shifted terrain since it doesnt lend itself to any optimization at all

best you can do is get someone to make 4x8x4 cubes and other variants and then use a script to find plces to replace existing bricks with thosr
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 01:25:11 PM by Conan »

use a script to find plces to replace existing bricks with thosr
This is exactly what we want. I've already made the brick fillers that would be used:

Additionally, here's a heightmap that really shows what bricks can be merged:

that looks pretty cool

I could look into merging the bricks later, bit busy with projects due this week though