INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause

Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 129191 times)

"Issues can be solved through conversation such as this one," Zhang belts off swiftly. She feels a tension underneath her skin as her augments activate. Pheromones drift from her skin and into the air. "Unless you want more dead men, I can defuse the situation."

Xang 1d6 + Mind + Social
Zhang 1d6 + Sprirt + Social + Bonus
Xang: 4 + 1 + 2 = 7
Zhang Knack Rolls: 1, 3
Roll 3 taken.
3 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 9
Zhang succeeds.

"If you can't tell I fancy myself a bit of a negotiator. It is obvious however, that some of those people in there aren't. Let's hear it,"

Rog sweeps his leg across the three stooges' shins to knock them off their already shaky footing behind the couch, then (if successful) elbow drops Thug 3, intending to connect his metal arm with the target's head.

1d6 + Body + Close Combat
6 + 2 + 3 = 11
Thug 1 Defense: 3 vs 11
Thug 2 Defense: 3 vs 11
Thug 3 Defense: 4 vs 11

You have your way with all of them, and go for Thug 3.

1d6 + Body + Close Combat
6 + 2 + 3 = Lead 11
Lead 11 - Thug 3 Defense 4
Result: Hit, Lead 7 +0 Damage
7 Damage - 0 Resist
Thug 3 takes 7 Damage

You crack his skull on the floor, however, you are also now lying prone, and getting up will take an action. The three thugs outside enter the house, standing close to the wall behind you so as leave and much distance between you and them as possible. To get in close you'd have to charge. They all three aim down at you.

"You gon' stop this childish stuff?!" one of them asks.

"Huh?" Jae says, peering from the van as the others look toward the building.

Zhang suppresses her disgust long enough to gesture to the house. "You need muscle, he's that. Tell your men to stand down, let me talk to him. Simple."

Mr. Xang scowls, but orders his men to lower their weapons but to not tolerate anything silly. Elena comes up to Zhang's side, and seems to want to add something.

"Allow me to accompany you, if you believe you can reason with those men in there. I don't believe Jackson would try anything irrational, but those others might,"

The two thugs that aren't having brain hemorrhages start to get up and are yelling over each other with anger directed at Rog. Jackson demands that they shut up and get out.

Nodding at Elena, Zhang turns on her heel and jogs to the house. Halfway down, she slows to a brisk walk, casting a sideways glance at Elena. "You have a lot of explaining to do," Zhang murmurs. She does not break pace as she continues, "Keep the brutes busy, I'll talk to Rog."

"I have about twenty-thousand if it comes to bribery," she murmurs.

She still looks extremely worried.

"Miss, I'm sorry I didn't get your name. I suppose I should have asked before. Why is it that you and your cadre attacked my property tonight?" Xang asks as the group approaches the door.

Zhang feels a chill run down her spine as the question comes in.
Still a criminal. Could get turned in. Easier to lie about your name. Harder to find. Guo? No. Jiang? Too similar. Rong? Ironic. I'll take it.
"Rong. Job now. Reasons later," she quips. Keeping her eyes forward, she crosses into the house and looks around for Rog. "Rog, let's talk."
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 11:42:54 PM by xxxxkill »

Norum looks on in the most puzzled look and begins to lower his hands as he sees the problem seemingly magically diffuse.
"The hell is–"
Norum looks around him to see the mooks also quite confused. Some of them look a each other and ask questions.

"Ryde, the forget is going on?" Norum asks, struggling to see around him in detail.

Keeping her eyes forward, she crosses into the house and looks around for Rog. "Rog, let's talk."
"You gonna explain to me how we got set up?"

Zhang feels a chill run down her spine as the question comes in.
Still a criminal. Could get turned in. Easier to lie about your name. Harder to find. Guo? No. Jiang? Too similar. Rong? Ironic. I'll take it.
"Rong. Job now. Reasons later," she quips. Keeping her eyes forward, she crosses into the house and looks around for Rog. "Rog, let's talk."

"Wrong? How about you answer that line of questioning before we move on. Just so we may... better understand one another,"

Zhang turns her head. "R-O-N-G. It's Chinese." Now can I talk already? Micromanaging dog.
She goes around the back of the couch and pales slightly as her eyes drift over the men on the ground. Her eyes linger on the man who's skull was cracked a lot longer than she would like. Blinking a few times she crouches and sighs, keeping her voice down to a murmur as she speaks to Rog, "I don't like it either, in that we have common ground. I might have a lead, help me follow it. We can figure out why this happened, until then we're both going to have to bear working for this ganger."
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 12:14:38 AM by xxxxkill »

"That doesn't tell me anything. I thought we were killing these goons, now I'm supposed to work for them? Why? How's this gonna help us kill the guy that forgeted us?"

"It isn't, not immediately. The good doctor employs the... 'services' of these people." Zhang subtly points out towards the street, "We play our cards right, we can keep a tab on the doctor, and hit him when he least expects. Does that work for you?"

Rog thinks about it for a few seconds, then loses his train of thought to exhaustion, then thinks about it again.
"Fine. But you'd better be right, or I'm gonna rearrange your face to look like that."
He points to the victim of the elbow drop.

Xang is outside, on the phone, seemingly very annoyed. He puts his phone down and enters the house.

"Since you neglected to answer my question earlier Miss Rong, I'll hazard a guess, you are here for the surgeon,"