Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 145843 times)

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Need at least two more characters and we'll start. We will still accept applications during play.

Name: Rodney Johnson(?) "Oizys"
Age: 31(?)
Physical Description A 6'1 tall American muscly person, when out of action dresses in a leather jacket, when in action, dresses in a skin tight black outfit with some light alloy armor, wears a mask which protects his face.
Quote from: Inventory
Pockets: Wallet (Has 30 ARD and an ID card)
Backpack/Purse/Satchel: A combat knife and a p-33 with a silencer
Weapons: A combat knife and a p-33 with a silencer
Body Modification: Combat drug injector, a malfunction Osyris inc. sense enhancer:
The olymp combat drug injector is a special type of cybernetic enhancment placed on the wrist of the user. The drug injector inserts combat drugs into the user's blood stream, allowing the user to use the certain speciality of the drug. There are different drugs made by Olymp to use with the injector, such as "Ares", which turns the user into a berzerk painless monster which wants blood, "Hephaestus" In which the user's strenght grows significantly, or the "Hermes" drug which increases the user's speed. Oizys uses the "Aidos" drug which is a mix between the three, increasing his speed and strength by a little bit while lowering the pain he gets by a little bit. The side effect of constant use of these drugs include eventual addiction to the point that the drugs start to "Talk" to its user, each with its own personality.
The Osyris sense enhancer is a type of body modification inserted in the brain, it helps the brain by enhancing all of the senses by 15%. Oizys's sense enhancer is known to malfunction, because of that he can often see halucinations of the people he killed and all of his friends that died, literally relive fragments of the moments of his past life and cause short amnesias which last from a minute to 15 minutes.
Short backstory: Rodney Johnson used to be an usual security guard working for the Olymp corporation. It was a boring job. One day an higher up overheard his conversation with his colleague in which he complained about how boring this job is, the higher up decided to give him an promotion which Rodney gladly accepted. After he gained an drug injector he couldn't have waited for the next step, he kept wondering what he was. It was a unpleasant suprise when he found out that the next step was brainwashing. The Osyris sense enhancer caused a malfunction and was damadged  during the brainwashing process, leaving him confused with fragments of his past memories left in his brain. Rodney was no more, now he was replaced with Oizys, a corporate assassin in the property of Olymp. Oizys didnt like the role of the assassin at all, often puking at the sight of seeing what he has done.
After Olymp went bankrupt, other companies fought to buy Olymp's properties, including assassins, Oizys wanted to have none of that stuff, so after some "Aggressive negotiations" he managed to convince some people to delete his name from the list of Olymp assassins, now he lives a free life of delivering stuffty pizza to gangsters, while tripping balls on combat drugs (Sometimes, those two things combined lead to Oizys slaughtering the gangsters, and end with Oizys puking after seeing what he did). Oizys is known to halucinate alot, those halucinations often lead him to do dumb decisions.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 11:35:52 AM by cromartini »

Name: Johnny Haroldson "Ryde"
Age: 31
Physical Description
Johnny is a white male who stands at about 6'0", with some normal clothing to match. He appears to have a blue sweater, and dark jeans, with some black sneakers on his feet. He has short, dark brown hair which seems to be rarely combed. His retinas appear to be a brown hue. Speaking of eyes, he appears to have some tired eyes, that always appear to be resting lazilly.
Quote from: Inventory
Pockets: Money, Identification, 9mm Pistol w/ Suppressor
Backpack/Purse/Satchel: Medium-Sized Backpack
Weapons: 9mm Pistol w/ Suppressor
Body Modification: Snap-Shot. This modification increases his chances of hitting a target on a quick-draw action. This also increases his ability to aim by a slight bit.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2017, 12:49:58 PM by Agent Legit 22 »

Name: Rodney Johnson(?) "Oizys"
Age: 31(?)
Physical Description A 6'1 tall American muscly person, when out of action dresses in a leather jacket, when in action, dresses in a skin tight black outfit with some light alloy armor, wears a mask which protects his face.Body Modification: Deiga knight torso, Combat drug injector:
The Deiga inc. knight torso bodypart is a special type of bodypart which acts like lightweight regenerating armour. The armour is made out of tiny nanomachines which automaticly fix the torso if its damaged. The nanomachines cannot fix the torso while in combat and it also takes a minute to heal some medium damage dealt to the torso.
The olymp combat drug injector is a special type of cybernetic enhancment placed on the wrist of the user. The drug injector inserts combat drugs into the user's blood stream, allowing the user to use the certain speciality of the drug. There are diffrent drugs made by Olymp to use with the injector, such as "Ares", which turns the user into a berzerk painless monster which wants blood, "Hephaestus" In which the user's strenght grows significantly, or the "Hermes" drug which increases the user's speed. Oizys uses the "Aidos" drug which is a mix between the three, increasing his speed and strenght by a little bit while lowering the pain he gets by a little bit.
Short backstory: Rodney Johnson used to recorder the things the Olymp corporation bought, usualy it was a boring job. One day on his job arrived an person in charge of RnD, and offered Rodney a new position. Rodney accepted the position only to be unpleasently suprised to find himself waking up on an operation table with a couple of modifications to his body. When the mind wiping process started, something went wrong, leaving Rodney with fragments of his past life. Rodney was no more,
It was only a couple of months after olymp joined the broker wars, and it was here where Oizys started his career, it was also here where Oizys found out how he didnt like killing, often puking after commting an act of cleaning a room full of enemies, and the fact how most of his assassin friends died worsen the situation in his mind. After Olymp went bankrupt, companies struggled for Olymp's properties, including assassins, Oizys seeing a opportunity in escaping, he deleted his name from the list of Olymp assasins, now he lives a life of shatered and painful memories.


First, your character's modifications are unacceptable. Implanted body armor is pushing it on its own, however, that combined with a 'nanomachine healing,' on top of combat drugs goes too far.

Second, your backstory, we stated there were no 'corporate wars,' and attempted to dissuade you from being a 'corporate assassin,' instead offering a more realistic backstory that also tied your character into the main story, giving him initial motivation to join the gang. You also threw out everything that happened to be acceptable about your previous character application, despite our attempt to work with you to make your previous application acceptable.

Name: Johnny Haroldson "Ryde"
Age: 31
Physical Description
Johnny is a white male who stands at about 6'0", with some normal clothing to match. He appears to have a blue sweater, and dark jeans, with some black sneakers on his feet. He has short, dark brown hair which seems to be rarely combed. His retinas appear to be a brown hue. Speaking of eyes, he appears to have some tired eyes, that always appear to be resting lazilly.
Body Modification: Snap-Shot. This modification increases his chances of hitting a target on a quick-draw action. This also increases his ability to aim by a slight bit.

Deferred, due to your previous issue characters. SWAT and I will discuss whether or not we are comfortable with you joining.

All is not lost though, as we are willing to help you improve your character, which is admittedly workable.

Some things to consider in the mean time, make sure you have a backstory that ties in your character to the main plot, as well as making sure your implant, and whatever your reason for having it, is relevant to the main story.

Lastly I'm gonna go ahead and say no suppressors a rule for starting characters, they'd be pretty hard to source.

Deferred, due to your previous issue characters. SWAT and I will discuss whether or not we are comfortable with you joining.

All is not lost though, as we are willing to help you improve your character, which is admittedly workable.

Some things to consider in the mean time, make sure you have a backstory that ties in your character to the main plot, as well as making sure your implant, and whatever your reason for having it, is relevant to the main story.
I dont really remember having characters with issues. I've only seen the first rp for one time. I dont remember applying for any character on it, though.
Though, I'm willing to comply.

I dont really remember having characters with issues. I've only seen the first rp for one time. I dont remember applying for any character on it, though.
Though, I'm willing to comply.

Perhaps these jog your memory.

I part of me knows nobody gets better at anything if they can't try, but good god, you had a lot of chances with ABS.

I cannot get onto the Discord chat.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 07:59:03 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Agent Legit 22 has been processed and accepted.  We will need one more player to begin.

Decided to update Oizys.

Hey everyone.  The game will be starting Chapter 1 on or before Friday Thursday or when we get at least 2 more players added, whichever comes first.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 06:02:25 PM by SWAT One »

Name: Daniel Wicker (v2 lol)
Age: 28
Physical Description
Quote from: Inventory
Pockets:  keychain (apartment, lockbox, repulsorlift bike), multi-tool, wallet (payment card, id card)
Backpack: datapad (large pda-style device), NT9 Arbiter*, box of 9x19mm Parabellum (50rds), spare 9mm pistol magazine (16/16rd)
Weapons: NT9 Arbiter (threaded barrel extension), multi-tool
Body Modification: Frontline SecurityTM Pointman Cybernetic Mod Kit for Law Enforcement and Military
Knowing is half the battle, and with this modification that principle is put to the test.  Using sonic location, this modification allows the user to truly see what's on the other side of the wall.  This kit includes one cybernetic eyeball, several fingerpad nodes, and CPU that includes advanced data processing software to turn sonic data into actual visible information.  The kit is available for both right hand and left hand dominant users.
(it's this
Short backstory: After having been laid off from his job managing the third shift at the nearby General Manufacturer's plant, Wicker was out of work and was forced to turn to crime.  He used what little money he had for his body modification and became a snitch, selling information about each gang to other gangs and criminals.  Using his body modification allowed him to easily acquire data about security at gang hideouts and holes.
Reference picture(s):

Name: Rog (As in "Roger", but without the "er")
Age: 38
Physical Description: 5'10 (exoskeleton provides an extra inch) male of mixed descent. Disheveled black hair and beard.
Quote from: Inventory
Pockets: Wallet containing ID card and life savings ($615.54)
Backpack: Oversized Cudgel (just the head fits within the backpack itself, the handle sticks out), 6 TV dinners, steel canteen (filled)
Weapons: Makeshift blunt instrument fashioned from rebar and engine parts from an ancient oil tanker.
Body Modification: Bionic lifting arms (2) and support exoskeleton, sleep reduction chip.
Short backstory: Working at a shipbreaking yard in the Pig Iron district for a meager, if sufficient, wage; Rog saw fit to scrape together enough cash over a few years to augment himself with a pair of bionic arms and a special brain implant that allowed him to get a full nights' rest in only two hours. He reasoned that doing so would allow him to take longer shifts and amass more money in a shorter timespan, hoping he would actually be able to start a retirement fund instead of having to work straight into the grave. However, after only a few months, the arms began rapidly losing their dexterity for one reason or another to the point where his fine motor skills are entirely shot; followed by the brain chip overstepping its bounds and actively preventing him from getting more than a few minutes of sleep each day. The result is a neverending state of mental exhaustion and physical uncoordination that cost him his home and livelihood.

Name: Zhang, Mei Jing (L, F M)
Age: 36
Physical Description: 5' 4", hair starting to gray and a pale complexion. A bit on the thin side, with stress starting to show. Clothing typically well-kept and formal, although it is starting to show some wear.
Quote from: Inventory
Pockets: Fancy fountain pen, with a pouch of inkwells; lined notepad for writing in.
Wallet, containing: ID, $350 ARD.
Disposable cellphone.
Weapons: Telescopic stun baton, holstered to the belt
Body Modification: A small ensemble of cerebral and dermal implants designed to make negotiations just that tiny bit smoother. A complex pattern-processing implant designed to make the minute details of conversation stand out like a clown in a battlefield and a set of pheromone emitters give her the competative edge in deal-making that she needed. Due to defects, she has difficulties glossing over minor details at times, sometimes seeing a lot more than she needs to.
Short backstory: Zhang always thought she was a bit better than average at noticing the little things that make people tick. Over time, she learned what buttons to push for which people. This skill landed her a solid job as a negotiator for a not-insignificant company - the hours were slim and the pay was good. Despite this, she wanted more, turning to black market augmentations to grant her that razor-thin edge over her peers. An untimely malfunction of the product saw her expulsed from the company, criminal charges following soon after. With her assets frozen and police at her doorstep, Zhang ran as fast as she could - right into the arms of her current situation.
Reference picture(s):
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 03:35:40 PM by xxxxkill »