Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 131967 times)

Rog takes the giant chunk of barbwire-wrapped boat engine off of his backpack and starts dragging the head along the floor.
"Well that's forgetin' gnarly. I'll leave you to it. Make a big forgetin mess outta the place."

Jae just assumes Norum noticed him too, proceeding to the check-out kiosks.

Rog keeps his eyes pointed at the floor to avoid eye contact with any cameras, and tries to find his way to the refrigerated food section.

Ryde quickly darts his head back from the alley way, and walks back to the Grocery Store to see whats in there.

It's dark, and Norum just got done beating the stuff out of the toilets.

Jae just assumes Norum noticed him too, proceeding to the check-out kiosks.

The check-out kiosks are watched by cameras, but the machines are delicate. Just about any criminal would know that there is little to no physical money inside, but that's not the goal.

Rog keeps his eyes pointed at the floor to avoid eye contact with any cameras, and tries to find his way to the refrigerated food section.

It's not very hard. The frozen food section is opposite of your entryway to the store, stocked with all sorts of frozen staple foods behind a wall of a dozen or more glass doors.

Jae takes the crowbar in his hand, looking for any exposed pipes or appliances to break open, keeping his head down.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 01:08:50 AM by bigcapitalbaka »

Norum looks for a section with chemicals, like cleaning solutions and detergents, and also looks for a mall OTC pharmacy section.  Should he come across any others, he would instruct them to save that for last.

Ryde shrugs, and walks back to the alley way to the back entrance of the Pawn Shop. He then walks down the alley way with his face masked by his face. Once he gets to the back door, he inspects it.

Rog smash refrigerators.

Jae takes the crowbar in his hand, looking for any exposed pipes or appliances to break open, keeping his head down.

There are pipes of the fire suppression system overhead. There are also pipes labeled for hot and cold water that seem to be insulated.

Norum looks for a section with chemicals, like cleaning solutions and detergents, and also looks for a mall OTC pharmacy section.  Should he come across any others, he would instruct them to save that for last.

You finds a small rack with generic cheap cleaners and cleansers along with a larger rack selling over the counter medications, as well as caffeine pills and other snake oil solutions.

Ryde shrugs, and walks back to the alley way to the back entrance of the Pawn Shop. He then walks down the alley way with his face masked by his face. Once he gets to the back door, he inspects it.

The door has no exterior handle. There is only a peephole in its center. This is as much as you are able to make out visually.

Rog smash refrigerators.

You go to town on the refrigerators, making a racket. Frozen and chilled foods fall to the floor. One that falls to your feet is a TV dinner with a cartoonish depiction of a cowboy mounted on a saddle riding a bucking shrimp. TEX'S FARM INSTANT SHRIMP DINNER is emblazoned on the packaging.

Jae takes the crowbar, taking quick swings at the cold water pipes above.

Ryde attempts to look through the peephole.

Norum decides to ignore it and goes to the meat section to try and get the meat and shove it into any heating vents.  Otherwise, he would just hide it in various places in the store.

Jae takes the crowbar, taking quick swings at the cold water pipes above.

Striking with the crowbar, you make a small hole in the pipe. It begins leaking, but the gash in the pipe is not spraying or much more than a trickle.

Ryde attempts to look through the peephole.

It's dark, and you can't make out anything.

Norum decides to ignore it and goes to the meat section to try and get the meat and shove it into any heating vents.  Otherwise, he would just hide it in various places in the store.

You take your pick from a selection of meats, unpackage them, and give the store the old high school prank treatment.

Ryde attempts to use his crowbar to open the door.

Norum looks over to see a digital clock and it reminds him of how tired he is. On top of that, there's two more shops that need to be hit.

Norum goes to where Rog had just finished beating the refrigerators and speaks up, "We should wrap things up. We still have another two to destroy."

He then begins to jog slightly and stops only to climb out through the window.  He waves to Marcus, "We're done with this one. Hope the sounds were music to your ears."