Author Topic: INHUMAN Rebooted — Chapter 1: A Common Cause  (Read 132484 times)

Ryde looks around the crowd, trying to see if she's here among us.

You stay vigilant on your way out.

Ryde PER: 33
Ryde is not trained in Awareness, -20
Test taken at 13
Roll: 69
Test Failed

And don't see her.

Ryde nods to Norum. "I'll see you two later." He then starts pushing out from the crowd and out of the train as it shuts and pulls to leave. He then waits for the next train to Rhodesburg, and hitches a ride on that train. As he rides in the train, he texts Elena about the location of his next target, Chima Bishop.

"I think Chima is working on a road project overnight. I'll send you the location his employers are working on. Its nothing big so you won't have to sneak in. Anything more you need help with?"

Norum PER: 30
Norum is not trained in Awareness, -20
Test taken at 10
Roll: 93
Test Failed

Daniel PER: 32
Daniel is trained in Awareness, +/-0
Test taken at 32
Roll: 45
Test Failed

The two of your board the train for the exchange. In fifteen to twenty minutes you're there. You descend to the express platform. There isn't much of a crowd. On the platform across the rails opposite of you, a crowd departs an express train and ascends to the intradistrict lines or heads out into the night.

Ryde shoots a text to Elena. "I do have one; how should I approach him?"

What the forget?...

Find the Interdistrict Express and board it immediately if there's no time to spare. If there's a moment to spare, jump up enough to see around but not inhumanly high, then board her car if located, any car if not.

Ryde shoots a text to Elena. "I do have one; how should I approach him?"


The screen in the wall is running new coverage right now.

"Developing: Large Fire in Rhodesburg"

A subtitle reports that you are seeing live footage from a local station's drone. The ticker reads that the multiple alarm fire has been burning for some fifteen minutes.

Along the broadside of an three story apartment, flames curl out from the windows and obscure the walls of the structure. The majority of the length is burning. Streams of firefighting foam are being shot at uninvolved portions of the building. The camera zooms in on a group of firefighters rappelling from the roof of structure, rotary saws and tools hanging below them. A window adjacent to them on the second story shatters, and erupts with smoke which quickly is swallowed by flame. Burning debris is ejected from the window. The drone holds its camera to the window, and a spotlight illuminates the area. A firefighter, smoke and flame rolling off of his blackened jacket and pants, clambers out and throws himself to the ground below. The drone zooms in on the firefighter, now laying in a heap on his side among spots of flame on the ground, as the man tears at his lowered IR goggles and mask. Two men rush out of the darkness and pull him away from the structure to safety.

You hear some expletives muttered among the captivated riders on the train.

"There's gotta be something," Elena sends in a follow up.

There's about 15 minutes until the interdistrict express arrives.

Norum PER: 30
Norum is not trained in Awareness, -20
Sparse Crowd, +10
Test taken at 20
Roll: 97
Test Failed

Daniel PER: 32
Daniel is trained in Awareness, +/-0
Sparse Crowd, +10
Test taken at 42
Roll: 77
Test Failed

im starting to wonder if there were a better way to do this

The girl eludes the two of you again, as you comb the crowd along the long platform. You either cannot find her or do not recognize her. The express train thunders up to the platform, and the doors come open. Unlike normal subways, the express's cars are connected over their couplings, allowing the length of the train to be walked inside.

Ryde takes a picture of the wall screen and sends it to Elena. "Could this be his apartment?"

Norum sends a text to Elena, "Hey, if it wouldn't take too long, luck is not on our side. See if you can track that damn phone of hers. And whatever you have left of that bottle of KSD, chill it for me. I'll reimburse you or get a new one.

Norum would then search the entire train while trying to not look angry. Before he begins his search, he sneaks a hefty sip from his flask in the latrine and tucks it back away.

Ryde takes a picture of the wall screen and sends it to Elena. "Could this be his apartment?"

"Holy stuff."

Elena sends a follow up reply in half a minute.

"It's nearby his work site. Maybe he's gawking at it?"

Norum sends a text to Elena, "Hey, if it wouldn't take too long, luck is not on our side. See if you can track that damn phone of hers. And whatever you have left of that bottle of KSD, chill it for me. I'll reimburse you or get a new one.

Norum would then search the entire train while trying to not look angry. Before he begins his search, he sneaks a hefty sip from his flask in the latrine and tucks it back away.

"I don't know if I could find her phone in such a short time. Best way I can think of would require a night's preparation. And there's maybe a fifth of the bottle left, I should get a new one,"

You and Daniel search car to car.

Norum PER: 30
Norum is not trained in Awareness, -20
Searching an sparsely populated train ought to be easier ffs +20
Test taken at 50
Roll: 76
Test Failed

Daniel PER: 32
Daniel is trained in Awareness, +/-0
Searching an sparsely populated train ought to be easier ffs +20
Test taken at 52
Roll: 49
Test Success THANK forget

Daniel spots her, and discretely points the girl out to Norum. Shes hanging her head, looking at the floor. Shes pinching her temples and has her other arm resting across her knee.

Ryde pulls up the location of the burning building to his GPS, and starts to jog over.

Norum calmly and casually walks up to the lady, "Hi... You alright?"

Ryde pulls up the location of the burning building to his GPS, and starts to jog over.

The smoke illuminated by the light below leads you to towards the area. You come along a worksite which is burying pipes in the ground. All work has stopped, it seems, and a group of workers stand under the floodlights, gawking at the fire several blocks down the road.

You see ashes sparsely falling, illuminated by the floodlight, and you can smell something burning in the air.

At this distance, you cannot tell which worker is Bishop.

Norum calmly and casually walks up to the lady, "Hi... You alright?"


She looks up at you, granted she doesn't have to elevate her gaze very far. She looks tired and worn out. Catalina looks over Norum for a moment before lowering her head and shutting her eyes.

"My head hurts, migrane," she says wearily.

Ryde tries to approach casually, acting as if hes watching the fire, but really, hes trying to figure out whos Bishop.

Ryde tries to approach casually, acting as if hes watching the fire, but really, hes trying to figure out whos Bishop.

On one of the back of the helmets, reads a name tag inscribed with "BISHOP"

"Mind if I sit?"

"Uh, sure,"

Catalina is obviously in pain.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 05:15:06 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Ryde takes a deep breath, before walking up and patting him on the shoulder.

Norum sits down on her right, inhales, hinting uneasiness as he shakily exhales, and speaks quietly, "Name's Norum..." he pauses, mouth open, wondering what to say, before leaning ever so slightly toward Catalina, "I know that I'm more or less a stranger to you, but someone caused your migraines, am I right?" He sits back up. Catalina would see that Norum is keeping his stare forward.