Author Topic: 1700s Fortwars Server  (Read 2489 times)

This is not a MERP. The spawnroom looks like a merp but its actually just to put the whole map into perspective because its huge.

So what you do is you can create your own faction or join an existing one, you can do whatever you want with your faction. To do this, give me a faction name and color and I will add it as a team to the minigame, then you have to go out into the ocean and set up and island base and team spawn. You can declare and wage war on other factions, but you cannot attack people who have their player lights on, it signifies they are building or AFK. But anyone using this away from any island is allowed to be attacked. There are sailing ship vehicles, so getting around won't be too hard.

Factions largest to smallest:
1.Gerjanistan- Nationalist/Authoritarian/extremely patriotic if you look at them the wrong way they'll gut you- Members: Me(Glenn [BL])(Founder), Cordax, Moustache, Planr, Unicode, Madnesskiller6.

2. Hessian Muschovy- Constitutional Monarchy/Based around xp trade and prosperity/not aggressive- Members: Skydrifter26 (Founder)

3. Holy Roman Empire- just established very little info/secretive/high security- Members: SoarStone (Founder)

If drama ever arises the situation will be debated with the admins and admins have final say in all situations.

Don't build spammy stuff or noob plates please. (A noob plate is 1 32x32 plate with a vehicle spawn, a weapon and a player spawn)




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« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 04:47:07 PM by kingmims »

There's a lot of blocky parts, to much for my taste.

There's a lot of blocky parts, to much for my taste.

For which base?

There's a lot of blocky parts, to much for my taste.
this is a collab build you dip

this is a collab build you dip

exactly he completely missed the point

Pretty cool idea, though I'd recommend adding some prevention for killing builders other than just telling them to use light. Newer people might not know or understand that.

Pretty cool idea, though I'd recommend adding some prevention for killing builders other than just telling them to use light. Newer people might not know or understand that.

Any ideas?

Any ideas?
I think someone made a mod for it somewhere, that makes it so builders can't kill or be killed


Just search fort wars in addons u nerd