Author Topic: Can't remember my key or email I used to buy blockland  (Read 1067 times)

i can't for the life of me remember the key or the email i used to buy blockland. i did, however, transfer my blockland key to steam so is there a way i can see it on steam?

If you bought it through paypal, use the e-mail you used with paypal.

If you bought it through paypal, use the e-mail you used with paypal.
didn't use paypal

You cannot see keys on Steam. If you do not remember your key or email, the only way to get your key is PMing Badspot with your current account asking for your key. This is pretty rare, but it's your only chance.

If you know you have an installation of Blockland with an un-modified key.dat, there's a decryptor lurking somewhere on the forums. Too lazy to add a link right now, but you'll find it.

I'm not sure if you actually desperately need the key itself, but if you transferred your account, you shouldn't really need it. You can use it on any computer logged into your Steam.

If you know you have an installation of Blockland with an un-modified key.dat, there's a decryptor lurking somewhere on the forums. Too lazy to add a link right now, but you'll find it.
thanks, posting the link for future reference

If you know you have an installation of Blockland with an un-modified key.dat, there's a decryptor lurking somewhere on the forums. Too lazy to add a link right now, but you'll find it.
make sure your MAC address is the same too or you can't easily decrypt it