Author Topic: Re-Ghost bricks?  (Read 2107 times)

Is there a way to 'reghost' bricks without leaving a server? I'm working on something that modifies bricks from the client's
point of view, so it would be nice for the bricks to update without having to leave the server entirely.


So that's what that does. Thank you

Wait, my bad I just realized that wouldn't work. i would have to be the host of the server to do that.
sorry for double post

if you can modify the bricks from the clients view, what stops you from modifying them back the way they were?

if you can modify the bricks from the clients view, what stops you from modifying them back the way they were?
No, I literally have to enter in the code right when i spawn so that when the bricks ghost they will go according
to what I modified them to. Then after that they are stuck the way they are until I rejoin or something

No, I literally have to enter in the code right when i spawn so that when the bricks ghost they will go according
to what I modified them to. Then after that they are stuck the way they are until I rejoin or something
How are you modifying them? You need to explain what you're trying to do a bit more.

change brick locations/data from the client seems kind of shady

Sounds a bit like someone's been de-raycasting/rendering bricks. Hmm.

wallhacks and the like are grounds for revoke by the way

No, I literally have to enter in the code right when i spawn so that when the bricks ghost they will go according
to what I modified them to. Then after that they are stuck the way they are until I rejoin or something
The command will not reset the brick's preferences. It only works when you have never ghosted it (server-side), which basically just ghosts the brick, nothing else.

Stop messing with bricks client-side, what are you even trying to achieve? My assumption is something with seeing through walls...

That's a server sided method, and not at all related to this.
All it will do is add the object to the list of objects to ghost on the client, if it's not already ghosted. It has no effect on already ghosted objects.

There's no way to request a re-ghost from the client side.

If you're trying to modify the color of bricks or whatever, you'll also need to renerate VBOs to apply the change.

just to clarify: wallhacks, aimbots, and the like serversided is not generally considered revoke or even ban grounds. creating a client sided version of any of those is. creating a client sided mod that can easily be converted to one will net a failbin and crc ban most likely, but not necessarily a ban/revoke

everything I've done was fully in TS which should give an idea of how limited my options
are anyway. I don't see how abusive I can make anything in the first place without modifying
the program itself. some of u might know but I certainly don't lol