Author Topic: steam summer sale  (Read 14386 times)

rip in rip steam severs

steam bummer sale :(

Took me forever to finish my quests.

the discovery queue gave me 13 cards

the discovery queue gave me 13 cards
did they just take it down
i was trying to go through it then i accidentally clicked x and now i cant find it

bllllegegeg why cant pubg go on sale

steam broke when trying to present me with the news

the discovery queue gave me 13 cards

just crafted badge lol
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 02:39:05 PM by JumboMuffin »

blockland keys are $5 now. so many alts are gonna pop up again :panda:

edit: it's back up now

503 error simulator 2017

Steam servers = melted

my cart is already exceeding a hunderd quid
rip plans for a new gpu

503 error simulator 2017

It's so nice of Valve to give us this game for free I'm totally loving every moment of it