Author Topic: Add-Ons for a Community made Update  (Read 11931 times)

There's an addon that lets to add slots to your brick holding menu, I just don't remember where I got it. Has a few bugs and can be annoying sometimes, but if it's fixed up It'd be pretty cool.

TMBI, too many bricks inventory. By Nexus. Original DL is down but there's a few around and i can upload a copy.

the biggest downside is that it can be pretty intensive and make your BL lag if you have a lower end computer, but you can change some settings to limit lines and that should improve performance

if we'd be able to get all of this together, figure out the implementations, and talk to baddy about it, then this would be awesome

if we'd be able to get all of this together, figure out the implementations, and talk to baddy about it, then this would be awesome

The one problem: Badspot is going to ignore us.

I think that’s the point, isn’t it? Have a community-led development branch of the game that can move forward independently.

edit: I've been thinking of this a bit more seriously. I don't think putting together a launcher would be all that difficult, and adding some default DLLs (bl-browser, blocklandLua, blocklandJs) and add-ons is more a matter of criteria and file-keeping than actual modification work. If those sort of DLLs become easier for the standard user to install, then I think there could be a rise in more advanced add-ons (or maybe call non-TS additions "mods"?) and it just generally opens a lot more doors for developers.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 12:09:23 PM by Scout31 »

The one problem: Badspot is going to ignore us.
Yeah no doubt, I mean if he doesn't want to, or can't work on BL anymore though he could atleast let the community update it every now and again with him dropping a big update once in a while.

- Team Deathmatch with a map changing system similar to SpeedKart, it could be great for a Pick-up-and-play action for players to host

So... this?

i feel like this is gonna be treated like TBM or something but i support this

If you guys do start this, I'd like to help out.

My events GUI didn't make it in


that add-on is too intrusive to me, i do like some of the features it has but it's just way too much that i don't want

I think this is a great idea! I think we've all been a bit anxious about the future of Blockland and how we can help save it. This is the best solution I have heard so far.

A think a "Community Update" should extend beyond just an advanced mod pack. Something like a custom launcher, some form of default DLL support, new default shaders, a slight UI refresh, adding some core functionality (Server-sided gui support? Chunk-based real-time autosaver? Persistent "worlds"? Easy packaging of maps and gamemodes, Halo 3 style? TCP-based (or otherwise optimized) save loading?), fully-integrated Support_Updater, etc.
I love the launcher idea.

But how are we going to ensure this project reflects the community's collective vision? Should we form some sort of committee? Should we just hold informal polls and forum discussions before rolling out updates? I feel there needs to be some way to keep those at the head of the project in check. Making the project open-source is a good first step. That way the project can be annexed if those at the helm become disconnected from the original vision. But it would be ideal if we never have to annex the project in the first place.

Tier+tactical and quake type weapons
(T+T: 2.1) -
(Quake type weps) -
They can serve as an default blockland weaponpack, because about 90% of all the servers out them use the stuff out of the weapon packs.
While they could be decent weapon packs, there's some unresolved problems in them, and would set bad examples to future modders.

T+T screws with item pickup code, creating a package for every type of ammo, and preventing you from doing any custom pickup code with ammo. Such as click to pickup.

Quake doesn't create separate radius damage damagetypes. This causes a consistency issue with the rest of the weapons in the game. This matters for more than just CI, as radius damage is intended to do less damage to crouching targets. However, the quake weapons will still do 2.1x damage to crouching players with radius damage, due to the missing radius damagetype.

i use tmbi religiously

If those sort of DLLs become easier for the standard user to install

In general, as long as you're already using BlocklandLoader, doing so is just a matter of dropping the file in the 'modules' folder. Installing the loader itself isn't actually that complicated (drop two files in the game directory), but still requires working around BlocklandLauncher if you aren't using Steam. However, if you're going with the assumption that "there won't be updates" then using BlocklandLauncher doesn't really matter.