Author Topic: [NWS] Helicopter launches attack on Supreme Court  (Read 2885 times)

I don't understand how people can get confused, we don't have a President Maduro
People aren't confused when they read the post, they're confused when they read the title.
It's basically clickbait.

I was almost interested till I found out that this isn't in America.
Nice misdirection not mentioning the where but playing up the what.

I was the ground and can confirm the Supreme Court got hit by Tactical Nuke.

I don't understand how people can get confused, we don't have a President Maduro

sounds like a swell guy. I'm down if you guys are.

It's not, it happened.
So this is what its come too, the democrats really hate that health care bill.

For the 5000th time tony, wheres your proof.
Also, get your supreme courts right.

For the 5000th time tony, wheres your proof.

Google news.

Also, get your supreme courts right.

I never claimed which supreme court it were so I never got anything wrong.

I was the ground and can confirm the Supreme Court got hit by Tactical Nuke.

I was the air and can confirm TableSalt was the ground

I was on the blockland forums and can confirm that I read this thread

I never claimed which supreme court it were so I never got anything wrong.
You confuse people when you don't put the correct titles, why do you even bother with these posts? Can't you at least put a link to the source so that way we don't need to look for it ourselves in time that could be used for better things?

I was on the blockland forums and can confirm that I read this thread
I am the Blockland Forums and I can confirm that Electrk. read this thread

It's not my fault you don't know who President Maduro is and confuse him with President Annoying Orange.

No where did it seem like this was about the american supreme court.

So you people admit you only read the title of the thread but not the thread itself? So how do I know you'll read the source if I post it? You probably won't.

It's not my fault you don't know who President Maduro is and confuse him with President Annoying Orange.

No where did it seem like this was about the american supreme court.
Did I ever say I did?
So you people admit you only read the title of the thread but not the thread itself? So how do I know you'll read the source if I post it? You probably won't.
If this is true then dont post