
You have been gracefully invited to Damp and Tony's wedding on 3/2/2020

Yes, I will attend this precious once in a lifetime event
No, I will not attend this precious once in a lifetime event

Author Topic: [NEWS] me and tony are getting engaged  (Read 1582 times)

if you mean if we are open to jungle minions, yes we are open to jungle minions

can i be the one that objects to your marriage

...because we are getting a three-way marriage!!

This is fake news,
Blasphemy! How dare you tony!
...because we are getting a three-way marriage!!
Omg! Im so glad for you guys!!!

This is fake news,
Oh you rascal.

No, Me and Tony aren't breaking up. Tony staged this breakup prank for voice recordings for his new show One And A Half Tonys.

L O V E  T R U M P S  H A T E