

I'd like something tweaked (post below)

Author Topic: Blockland: Community Edition Proposal  (Read 14458 times)

There's been decent talk about a Community Update and also an "apocalypse plan" recently. I've commented about my thoughts in both topics, but wanted to make a formal topic about my idea and see what the public opinion surrounding it is.

I would like to make a custom launcher that installs and starts a different installation of Blockland. This allows for community-made updates to be issued through this new system. The initial update would include a handful of new add-ons, BlocklandLoader by default, and maybe a few default (stable) DLLs like SelectiveGhosting and bl-browser.

A few other ideas that could be implemented (ripped straight from another post of mine):

  • Entirely fresh UI (not just a skin change)
  • Server-sided gui support
  • Chunk-based real-time autosaver
  • Persistent "worlds"
  • Easy packaging of maps and gamemodes, Halo 3 style
  • TCP-based (or otherwise optimized) save loading
  • New staged add-on loading system

There's really a ton of options and new routes to be explored. If a DLL such as blocklandLua or blocklandJS were default, a whole new realm of add-ons (or perhaps just called mods) would be available, like faster file transfer systems, dynamically generated mini-maps, binary file uploads, etc.

I recognize all of these can be individual add-ons and that people can pick and choose what they'd like, but I think having a common update stream that allows for mass adoption of these is persuading to modders. Many don't utilize DLLs because they recognize there's a higher bar to entry, and add-on dependencies get complicated. Some users don't recognize the usefulness and potential of mundane looking mods, but a lot can be built off of them and it can really make a big impact to the playability of the game.

Now, I don't want this to be viewed as having any overlap with Blockland Glass or in any way being my project. Ideally, I'd like to set up a very democratic system on implementing new features. Perhaps put up every feature as a detailed "proposal" and leave it up to a community vote on whether it should be pursued. I'd like to work with other content makers, such as the people who've actually made the mentioned DLLs and add-ons, to make sure everything fits seamlessly together and feels native and intuitive.

I don't mean this to go the way of early Blockland mods that have power-hungry and game dominating reputations. Blockland's default authentication scheme would still be in effect, every change would be open source (not much choice with TS anyway), and it would still be Blockland.

Of course, some popular concerns would be effort vs reward. Personally, I believe this could spark a big change in the way Blockland is modded and open the possibility to a lot more creative content, however I'm making this topic because I recognize there's other views and would like to hear them.

So, what are people's thoughts on all this?

I like the persistient worlds thing. I really think something the game is missing is a "standard" freebuild server, with decent moderation and plenty of addons (but not to the point of having to sort through a lot of unneeded bricks, vehicles or items to find what you want)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 12:21:50 PM by Super Suit 12 »

Yeah, maybe differentiating between "servers" and "freebuilds", the latter being similar to a Minecraft world of sorts where you just load up a save file with it's preset add-ons and it drops you when you left it.

Also, a chunk-based loading system combined with SelectiveGhosting could make for worlds with default terrain and chunks that load and unload as you move around the map. Gives the element of "exploring" and gives some setting to builds.

A new UI would be nice. If it had a health bar, it would be perfect

It sounds interesting and could be fun to make Blockland even more creative than it already is. But I'm worried about players who will still run the default Blockland launcher and miss out on features that servers expect you to have with the special launcher, that could make it unplayable or not as fun as the other users who do have the special launcher. The more everything is server sided, the better. That way players who still play using the default launcher won't miss out on anything huge and servers won't break for them. A good example is RTB or Blockland Glass, it makes the game better but it isn't vital to still enjoy the game. I am also worried about Mac support, would that even be a thing? I know some Blockland players who don't have a PC or don't want to install WINE.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 02:19:07 PM by WALDO »

you will still run into the multiple versions dilemma if badspot ever does update the game though, even just to fix bugs or exploits. in addition new players or players using steam that are also inexperienced with computers will have problems finding out about and installing this community update, as well as trust issues cause .dlls aren't exactly something you can assume is safe

it would be good though to have a few centralized servers like a global freebuild server rather than a bunch of separate themed freebuilds, using selective ghosting. with enough code and effort it can become a hub for building with friends and showing off builds people make on there, sorta like a hub world

It sounds interesting and could be fun to make Blockland even more creative than it already is. But I'm worried about players who will still run the default Blockland launcher and miss out on features that servers expect you to have with the special launcher, that could make it unplayable or not as fun as the other users who do have the special launcher. The more everything is server sided, the better. That way players who still play using the default launcher won't miss out on anything huge and servers won't break for them. A good example is RTB or Blockland Glass, it makes the game better but it isn't vital to still enjoy the game. I am also worried about Mac support, would that even be a thing? I know some Blockland players who don't have a PC or don't want to install WINE.

The issue is that there is an eventual roadblock of what can be done unless there's development on both ends. There are certain Glass features I'd love to implement but just aren't viable or worth it unless it gets both client and server adoption, and everyone would clearly be against a "Blockland Glass is required to join this server!" message.

Mac support would be tricky, but I suppose a custom launcher could handle installing WINE for them, but that does lead to stability problems.

you will still run into the multiple versions dilemma if badspot ever does update the game though, even just to fix bugs or exploits. in addition new players or players using steam that are also inexperienced with computers will have problems finding out about and installing this community update, as well as trust issues cause .dlls aren't exactly something you can assume is safe
Any upstream update could be pulled in, it would just be delayed slightly. The idea of a customer launcher helps with the "installing" part, but I agree that it could be divisive. My argument for it being successful is that launchers for modded games are common in Minecraft (which I consider to be the lowest-common-denominator players, if they can do it anyone can) and among other Steam games (KSP).

Plenty of other games use DLLs for mods, but those generally are on Steam Workshop, so they can be verified and accounted for. While it is a security issue, it could be mitigated by having a good verification and listing system and it's a risk that many other games take.

it would be good though to have a few centralized servers like a global freebuild server rather than a bunch of separate themed freebuilds, using selective ghosting. with enough code and effort it can become a hub for building with friends and showing off builds people make on there, sorta like a hub world
I support this.

There are certain Glass features I'd love to implement but just aren't viable or worth it unless it gets both client and server adoption, and everyone would clearly be against a "Blockland Glass is required to join this server!" message.
How is that different than a "[name of special Blockland launcher here] is required to join this server!" message? I get that certain things require it to be done client sided in order to make things that couldn't have been done before achievable but if it ends up where the majority of servers are only fun when you must have a special launcher, that could be making it harder for a brand new player to get into the game. And the Mac incompatiblies could make their previous fun experiences go in the toilet if there are too many bugs/glitches for them.

For a UI refresh, I suggest using Visolator's latest version of GUI+ and finishing it up (as in, making the LAN section of the join game menu actually work). The actual windows and things can be skinned to match by replacing the default UI images.

For a UI refresh, I suggest using Visolator's latest version of GUI+ and finishing it up (as in, making the LAN section of the join game menu actually work). The actual windows and things can be skinned to match by replacing the default UI images.
pictures please

It sounds interesting and could be fun to make Blockland even more creative than it already is. But I'm worried about players who will still run the default Blockland launcher and miss out on features that servers expect you to have with the special launcher, that could make it unplayable or not as fun as the other users who do have the special launcher. The more everything is server sided, the better. That way players who still play using the default launcher won't miss out on anything huge and servers won't break for them. A good example is RTB or Blockland Glass, it makes the game better but it isn't vital to still enjoy the game. I am also worried about Mac support, would that even be a thing? I know some Blockland players who don't have a PC or don't want to install WINE.
How is that different than a "[name of special Blockland launcher here] is required to join this server!" message? I get that certain things require it to be done client sided in order to make things that couldn't have been done before achievable but if it ends up where the majority of servers are only fun when you must have a special launcher, that could be making it harder for a brand new player to get into the game. And the Mac incompatiblies could make their previous fun experiences go in the toilet if there are too many bugs/glitches for them.
yea this is the kinda thing i'm worried about, we don't need this game to be more alienating to newer players than it already can be and those who don't want to get the special launcher for whatever reason could miss out on a lot if it goes mainstream and could potentially discourage them from playing and we'll just end up losing more people

hey man i'm just hoping anything gets us better combat potential or better light system - don't know if a .dll would change any of that but a dude can dream