Author Topic: Consume for Item  (Read 621 times)

Little vague, but let me explain.

1. Player receives [Consumable Item A]
2. Player Jets [Consumable Item A]
3. Player receives a pop-up menu with a list of guns from list A and chooses one

1. Player receives [Consumable Item B]
2. Player Jets [Consumable Item B]
3. Player receives a pop-up menu with a list of guns from list B and chooses one

And so on and so forth.

The server owner would be able to edit a file somewhere or set preferences on which list has which items.
So if I start a DM with players spawning with Consumable Items A, B, C... I can make a list of primary weapons for A, secondary weapons for B, and support items for C.

This should eliminate the need for a spawn room and players can spawn in with A, B, and C with a 10 second timer before the round begins.

Possible Additions: Prices, Team Limits, Automatic Selection, Save+Load Favorites

Please and thank you.

possible addon names for this:
item grab bag
item item drop
item supply crate

conan beat me to it
supply crate would probably be best

would the list be a GUI, or would it use number keys/temporarily change your items to be the list?

would the list be a GUI, or would it use number keys/temporarily change your items to be the list?
Something like the /buy from Base Raiders would probably be best, opening up the wrench menu and allowing players to select an item.