Author Topic: a Punished Toxicology appreciate thread  (Read 20337 times)

honestly i would be fine if toxicology started acting more like his brother
at this point he's gonna waste more alts than ravencroft

I don't hold grudges, assuming the person is willing to change. If they continue along their path, then I'll dredge up their history, but if they bury the hatchet and move on, I'll drop and forget there ever was a history.

but I honestly don't give two stuffs at this point if you ruin your reputation or whatever in this community
i feel like he has long ago tbh

we all know that youre smashing your head on your desk right now because of this thread and your crippling debt
if you are already in the discord, what is the real purpose of all this ass kissing

he was banned because he insulted mcjob which by your logic he shouldnt have been banned for
i am very sorrowful that youre illiterate and probably suffer from numerous cognitive disabilities

this sure is mostful harming your reputation kidalex

we all know that youre smashing your head on your desk right now because of this thread and your crippling debt

honestly i would be fine if toxicology started acting more like his brother
at this point he's gonna waste more alts than ravencroft
trust me he’s not even close

jesus man how are you guys letting kidalex irritate you this bad

lowkey how tf has mcjob not been banned for flaming yet
Believe it or not, McJob has something constructive or insightful to say outside of straight flaming. McJob clearly puts effort into posts unlike a majority of yours, showing by how you don't even take the time to even read what he has to say. There's more to things on this forum than blind hatred and self fueling Kidalex. I know, it's hard to believe. (will mention below)
you tell people to calm down in arguments yet here you are presumably smashing your keyboard to forgetin pieces as you type this
This is a common trend with most of you, you all take posts out of contest in an attempt to spark an argument, and when you get stuff on for it, you actively hunt them down. You all have a collective hatred for the most one dimensional reasons, and to be frank, it's making this site boring as hell. You come off incredibly thirsty for arguments in the process while weakly trying to spark them. You're autistic and boring to deal with.
so youre basically admiting to flaming
Why are you always so desperate? Why do you attack somebody who has at least done something productive on this site when the only thing you do is pick fights? I'm probably going to hear that productive is subjective, but anybody here with basic judgment can say that McJob has easily been more insightful than you on here.
My understanding is that the bounds of the rule is a threshold of being an starfish towards someone unwarranted. Calling someone a stupid starfish (or what have you) in an argument isn't bannable, but copying somebody's movie thread to mock them unprovoked is.

"Flaming" is just unwarranted personal attacks anyways. Being a richard or insulting people isn't flaming on it's own.
I've never been banned for flaming, but from what I've witnessed with watching peers of mine get banned is like this:

Don't be an starfish without context or without constructive criticism. Take somebody like Blockguy123 when he got banned, his ban was for saying something as small as "Get loving banned." with no reasoning or anything. While people have said statements along the lines of 'get banned' before, I think the tone is what set off Badspot. I don't think there was much of a way to say it more constructively because of the nature, but it comes off harsh.

Now with criticism or being constructive is basically a means of not outright being an starfish without reason. This is all subjective, but that's what I've picked up all these years and it's why I haven't been banned yet on Nal.

The reason McJob isn't banned yet is because he doesn't outright insult somebody without reason or criticism. Flaming =/= Insulting somebody.
he was banned because he insulted mcjob which by your logic he shouldnt have been banned for
i am very sorrowful that youre illiterate and probably suffer from numerous cognitive disabilities
Holy forget how thirsty are you? I'm pretty sick and tired of your walking entitlement around this website. You act like you're some hot stuff, while at the same time sucking up to your buttbuddies. It's painfully obvious you're insecure and you ride your bottom of the barrel friend group for validation. If you had nobody to fall back on, you would have no use here.

Seriously how thirsty are you? You go on Trogtor's server with malicious intent to clearly pick a fight, ie:
your admins are loving terrible by the way
my billboard is being vandalized by your own loving admins even though theres no rules that my billboard violates
and we all collectively choose not to say anything that would start an argument because we know you're doing to do something handicapped. You literally made a sign that said "forget the clique" and expected no repercussions. How much of a pathetic pissbaby are you to the point of where you cry for validation on a thread because you didn't get your way. It's mega clear you were on there to pick a fight.

Why do I mention it? Reason being that it's what you always do. You always pick a fight and self fuel it desperately, and when you don't get your way you throw a tantrum. You're immature and if you left, this website would be better without you.
we all know that youre smashing your head on your desk right now because of this thread and your crippling debt
I will restate what I said, if you had no friend group, you would have no purpose here. You should really reconsider insulting McJob and calling him personally offended when the only thing you have to live for is starting arguments on a dying forum and falling back on your friends for validation.

what the god damnalso that was provoked
by your logic i shouldnt be bannedalso this is unprovoked
by your logic he should be banned
lowkey how tf has mcjob not been banned for flaming yet
You started the argument to begin with, McJob responding is clearly something you can't handle lol
Kendrick Lamar's "Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst"

I don't expect you to improve as it's clear you're one dimensional as hell and cry for validation constantly. Do everyone a favor and kindly leave.
jesus man how are you guys letting kidalex irritate you this bad
I don't think anybody is really personally upset here, but it seems to be a trend that people interpret it that way. I'm here because I want to state what should have been said.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 01:26:41 PM by -Nal- »

when you troll libtards awesome style

when you troll libtards awesome style
the correct term is communist

except it was provoked because mcjob ip banned toxicology, and thus, dreams of cheese
also shouldnt that mean mcjob should be banned because of this post
pal, if you're doing this on my behalf you should stop. this stuff's ridiculous.

jesus man how are you guys letting kidalex irritate you this bad

Considering he's asserted like four times that I'm supposedly extremely angry and typing with malice, I'd say he's the one getting irritated. I was just explaining the reason behind why toxic's banned and mcjob isn't, but I guess people like you and him find literally everything a battle.

this thread really has become something hasnt it

let's be fair torin is the true leader and funnyman of thot patrol