Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)

Author Topic: Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)  (Read 237644 times)

Well, I guess. I don't see what's wrong with it, everyone can see the kinks in every model and then we can choose one or two instead of including the whole lot. But then there will still be a loud minority of people who want to keep all of them.

Yeah dude I also get really annoyed when my zombie video games don't feature totally realistic characters. You probably would've complained too if they made everyone into some burly muscledude because then there wouldn't be enough variety. You really just sound like you're grasping for reasons to hate the game, or else you're just disproportionately passionate about things that don't matter.

i don't even know what that game is lol

anyways, it might bother me but it might not bother you

you're completely right about this

i wouldn't recommend any alternate player models that arent in the "blocko" style, like armymen. Cuz while it still fits the "toy" style, it still feels out of place as the game revolves around lego bricks exclusively, not toys in general.

squideeys or trogs model pick one

let's steal blockland's name lol

If we get a better and updated Blockland, I got no objections.

blockland 2: the quest for more money

Hey Ghost, I understand it's too soon to start thinking about complex brick mechanics, but I was wondering if you'll ever consider
functional bricks that can be tilted and built upon like the rocket bearing brick or hinge brick:

Or the rod component bricks where things could be spun.

Perhaps even something like this:

These would open the possibility to make things like seesaws to drawbridges, and maybe even statues with real knees!

I second this. We need buildable mechs to become possible.

I'm starting to feel bad for Ghost lol
I feel like we're piling so many suggestions and ideas on a game he's only really been working on for a few months

plus the insanely high expectations we're all holding up for what we think will be "Blockland 2" essentially

My hopes aren't that he'll listen to us all, I hope he has his own schedule and vision of the game he's building, with his own timeframe in mind. I hope he sees these as suggestions, not orders. If he decides to ignore us and build his own thing, I'd still be hella' excited to play his product.

I did think of this as the promised land for a little bit, but I realized that Ghost should just do his own thing.

If he decides to ignore us and build his own thing, I'd still be hella' excited to play his product.
I hope he sees these as suggestions, not orders.

Being a lone game designer means you're getting inspiration from your own sources, if I were making games I'd be happy to hear some outside introspection(at least for a little while), it would be the equivalent of having a team that works alongside with you, providing fresh ideas.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 09:46:13 PM by Riot »