Author Topic: Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)  (Read 240923 times)

can we have a poll to decide over squideeys or pomp’s or trogs blockhead

can we have a poll to decide over squideeys or pomp’s or trogs blockhead
I can't add a poll to the current topic, but maybe I can make one on another site.

To be fair he really doesn't. He's just showed us bricks rendered in Unity, player models others made for him, and maps he made for Blockland.

I don't mean to rip on Ghost. I have nothing against him, but it is frustrating to be working on a game others can actually test and play and mod for and have it be ignored whereas a game that looks like it'll take a year to even be testable gets all the attention.
I did show off a working player model, a brick system that was somewhat functional and various environments made in Unity via prototypes. Making maps for the new engine isn't difficult, but I'm going to wait until later before I start working on maps.

Right now, I'm focusing on core mechanics, and it's taking awhile because there's a lot I still have to learn and figure out; making a game like this isn't easy.

I wish I had a team to help, doing everything by myself is slowing down the process. Maybe asking on the Unity forums to recruit fellow developers might help.

Imo I'm fine with whatever model, as long as its proportions / height is that of a Blockhead give or take
Plus other models can be modded in once the game is released.

Can you add mine too?
Sure, if you could provide a link to the image(s) it would help; it's hard keeping up with the various designs lol.

Maybe asking on the Unity forums to recruit fellow developers might help.
That's cheating xD
In all seriousness it would be nice, but imo it might not have the pure heart that it might have from solo development, look at blockland, Badspot put his heart and soul into it almost solo if not completely solo? And it turned out so... idk how else to describe it other then full of love. It's almost like Blockland has a soul.
But there are all kinds of benefits too, but my personal opinion, one's game is like one's baby, I'd like it to be my soul accomplishment, as apposed to something i worked on with a group.

That's cheating xD
In all seriousness it would be nice, but imo it might not have the pure heart that it might have from solo development, look at blockland, Badspot put his heart and soul into it almost solo if not completely solo? And it turned out so... idk how else to describe it other then full of love. It's almost like Blockland has a soul.
But there are all kinds of benefits too, but my personal opinion, one's game is like one's baby, I'd like it to be my soul accomplishment, as apposed to something i worked on with a group.
Since when was blockland full of love? Basically everyone hates everyone :L
Well, I hope Ghost atleast adds a revamped ban/kick system
Suggestions: Kick reasons, Logical ban time (no -1, just type "forever") IP ban, etc.

Basically everyone hates everyone :L
tru.  :(
That's not blockland, that's the people who play it, the game doesn't control the community. Think about blockland itself. Think about the over 10 YEARS of work one single guy put into it. Think about how he changed the engine the game runs on just to add cool new features. Yeah, money. But you know what would have been a WAY better work : income ratio? Making a Blockland 2. Screw blockland, why keep pouring myself into this old thing when the community would all pay boatloads for Blockland 2? Because Blockland is Badspot's baby, it means something to him, He poured his heart and soul into this game and it's- just a permanent classic. I can't imagine my childhood without it.

i'd just rather be in a community headed by GSF/DrenDran/etc than what we have tbh

I think there was a topic a while back where people voted for who they would elect a new admin, and the general response was it would probably be greek2me or some other add on maker that doesn't get involved with forum politics and drama discussions in any way, or extremely impartially

either way pretty irrelevant to this games development I'm sure

anyway, back to cyclically discussing the player avatar

add pomp's and ozmar's avatars to the OP

also I saw that one of the planned features would be buildable vehicles, would the BL style of vehicles also still be a thing or would it just be exclusively that? personally I'd prefer the former

It would be nice if the user could just make an avatar model, give it an animation skeleton, give it animations with specific names tying  fill in a txt with various attributes of the character, optionally, so only the attributes you put down would be changed. For example, if by default the player has 100 health, weighs 20 pounds, and can walk at 1.5 m/s, in this text file you could put
playerHealth = 300;
playerSpeed = 2;
and then your new character would have 300 health, weigh 20 pounds, and walk at 2 m/s.

The same could go for animations. Any animations that the player file doesn't have in stock with specific names would just resort to the default animations.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 03:09:23 PM by Yin Yang »

It would be nice if the user could just make an avatar model, give it an animation skeleton, give it animations with specific names tying  fill in a txt with various attributes of the character, optionally, so only the attributes you put down would be changed. For example, if by default the player has 100 health, weighs 20 pounds, and can walk at 1.5 m/s, in this text file you could put
playerHealth = 300;
playerSpeed = 2;
and then your new character would have 300 health, weigh 20 pounds, and walk at 2 m/s.

The same could go for animations. Any animations that the player file doesn't have in stock with specific names would just resort to the default animations.
animations cannot be dynamic unless a huge amount of effort is put into the animation system making it only run on animations that work on segments of the body. no two skeletons are alike and using same animations would just look messy and unrefined.

the time spent on making such a system work would probably be better put to use implementing a modding system as dynamic as blocklands.

animations cannot be dynamic unless a huge amount of effort is put into the animation system making it only run on animations that work on segments of the body. no two skeletons are alike and using same animations would just look messy and unrefined.

the time spent on making such a system work would probably be better put to use implementing a modding system as dynamic as blocklands.
Well firstly, as i stated you would be providing your own animations, only using the default when no animation is provided for a specific task, such as walking or jumping. secondly that would be part of said modding system.
How i imagined it is there would be an option to select any one of the available player models, and in that list there would be ones added by my previously mentioned modding scheme any animations that are exported with the file would be mapped to specific actions by name. So if you had an animation named "walk", that animation would be automatically mapped to the player walking. It would be intuitive and easy to use. And i highly doubt it would take a proportionately huge amount of time to get working compared to anything else mod related.

can we keep drama out of this thread please
Quoting because this should be a rule.