
If the round has not ended, allow weapon-stealing?

Items must be picked up before the foe is killed or out.
You can steal off them when they are alive.
All of the above.

Author Topic: BLF Colosseum — [1.1B] Tournament 1, Round 1, Bracket B  (Read 10026 times)

I attempt to get up, and if GTY is Stunned, attack his torso, but if he isn't, simply go for Destoryer.

1 small carrot = 1 × 19 = 19
1 bottle of piss = 3
SUM: 22 > 20

  · Cannot purchase.
fine ill have 17 carrots and a bottle of piss

Agent Legit 22 backs away from Gytyyhgfffff and moves over to DestroyerOfBlocks, where he is now within striking distance.

Ayebee123 gets up easily as DestroyerOfBlocks does nothing. He is within striking distance.

I attempt to strike Destroyer with my spear.

I finish off gty, hopefully killing him.

Update, Turn 8

Agent Legit 22 thrusts forward and pierces directly into Gytyyhgfffff's chest, killing him instantly.

Ayebee123 thrusts forward and pierces directly into Destroyer Of Blocks' chest, killing him instantly.

[1.1A] has been won by SS&S

Battle Summary:
Team K-D
Chair Force 0-2
SS&S 2-0

Individual K-D
Agent Legit 22 1-0
Ayebee123 1-0
Destroyer Of Blocks 0-1
Gytyyhgfffff 0-1

Round Exit Results:

Team Item Losses
Chair Force Item Loss
Folding chair 2
SS&S Item Loss

Individual Item Losses
Agent Legit 22
Destroyer Of Blocks
Folding chair 2

Player Conditions:
Agent Legit 22 Bruised
Ayebee123 Battered, bruised.
Destroyer Of Blocks Dead
Gytyyhgfffff Dead

New round will begin tonight in around 80 minutes! Prepare yourselves!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 10:18:25 AM by SWAT One »

I attempt to treat myself and Ayebee with my knowledge of medical training, and I attempt to buy a shield from the shop

im teaming with techno since he's the only one with an actual weapon and we will be known as the epik gamers unless he wants something otherwise

Price of a bow? Also, would I have to buy arrows? (that is the dumbest question i've asked)

Oh, almost forgot, would a quiver be free, or not?

Also, me and AL-22 will team again. Can teams always stay teams?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 10:39:00 PM by Ayebee123 »

im teaming with techno since he's the only one with an actual weapon and we will be known as the epik gamers unless he wants something otherwise

forget Yeah. Just don't blame me if i get a little lazy, i mean why else did i bring a chair and a soda?

I attempt to treat myself and Ayebee with my knowledge of medical training, and I attempt to buy a shield from the shop
Forgot to make this clear. Winners are healed.

What kind of shield?

im teaming with techno since he's the only one with an actual weapon and we will be known as the epik gamers unless he wants something otherwise

Price of a bow? Also, would I have to buy arrows? (that is the dumbest question i've asked)

Oh, almost forgot, would a quiver be free, or not?

Also, me and AL-22 will team again. Can teams always stay teams?
1. Bow = 16; Arrows = 1 ea.
2. Quiver is free with the purchase of the bow, but 3 points if you lose it.
3. You can team again if teaming will happen in the future, but right now, I haven't concluded how the next portion will go.

SS&S also gets 40 points gross to decide how they will divide it. If no conclusion comes within 24 hours, it will be split evenly.

Get me an warhammer sized rubber hammer.

Get me an warhammer sized rubber hammer.
Will cost 20. Purchasing.

Round begin!

Each team exits the lifts and is confronted with an uneventful landscape, rocky and with a single large plateau in the middle, rising some 14 feet from the basin around it. There are wooden ladders (4) around the plateau. There are also various points of pitfalls in the arena, some leading into a simple hole, and some falling straight through the arena.

I navigate the terrain carefully, and try to get to the high ground in the center of the map as fast as I can.

ive also made a flag
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 09:24:23 PM by Agent Legit 22 »