Author Topic: japan should be killed  (Read 7413 times)

the only thing rising is the Self Delete rate


i think we should let japan live but have a countrywide ban on all japanese content since it's clearly been hindering the social life of like 90% of america's children

well they make better cars and electronics than us. so they can stick around for a bit longer.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 03:13:56 PM by gr8dayseth »

i think we should let japan live but have a countrywide ban on all japanese content since it's clearly been hindering the social life of like 90% of america's children
yeah but then what are ugly god and lil uzi vert gonna put on their album covers

haha gr8 one trog u were always a funny guy

the only thing rising is the Self Delete rate
holy stuff lmao

yeah but then what are ugly god and lil uzi vert gonna put on their album covers
kpop stuff

We dropped em on the head with the first two nukes. Now we just need 1 more to kill them.

This thread is probably just meming and ha ha hee hee weebstuff Japan needs a third nuke, but really there are countries much, much more deserving of being destroyed than Japan, like China.

Japan has done nothing wrong since WWII, we should worry more about China. China is so overpopulated that they treat each other like insects and have little to no reverence for human life. They intentionally make sure that they kill anyone they happen to accidentally run over so they don't have to pay their medical bills. Their stuffty communist infrastructure will quite literally eat you alive (see any gore video of Chinese escalators) and their elevators will fail and take you to hell instead of the floor you wanted, or you'll just happen to lean on the elevator door and fall through into the elevator shaft. They lie and cheat each other in order to survive resulting in everything they do in life being half-assed (which results in infrastructure still being loving awful) and the companies they work with outside of China get forgeted over too because of it. Their government is always watching you on their stuffty Chinese internet so citizens don't happen to have "incorrect thoughts" from western ideas, and they control your life with that citizen point system, which blocks people from getting work or using other services if they don't "participate in their community." Just playing videogames can result in one being cast out from society.

Japan on the other hand used to do some horrific things in the past during WWII (rape of nanking, beheadings, treatment of war prisoners, etc), but after WWII they've been in-line for most of history. They've also made great contributions to our videogames which I'm sure most people on this forum for a VIDEOGAME care about, such as saving the entire industry from the collapse in the 80s. China however just bootlegs stuff or bans them outright. The only thing they've done that was good for videogames was force those forgeters at Blizzard to disclose lootbox drop rates for overstuff, but people still lap that stuff up regardless.

Tl;dr: Japan learned their lesson over 60 years ago and has made actual contributions to the world, unlike China which is a stuff hole full of people that hold no reverence for human life and lie and cheat their own people for survival in a land of horror where Final Destination is comparable to child's play.

People are being worked to death to meet ridiculous quotas, and child enthusiasm is spreading like a disease because it's profitable to pander to them.

Take a wild guess as to which economic system is to blame for this.

they make video games. video games are the reason people go to HELL